Welcome and thanks for stopping by! Sadly I'm not active here anymore, but feel free to look me up in some other places:

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I climb a long way up
And fall for you all over again
All it takes is five minutes with you
And I'm again trapped in your blue

There is no turning back now
Most of my heart is reserved for you
Even if you don't allow

Monday, December 29, 2008


What would be different if I disappeared?
Would my absence ever have appeared?
Who would have called out my name
Hoping that I would respond to it?
Would I be missed
For even just a little bit?

No hand is there to reach out for me
No matter how much I cry out for help
As all my dreams turned to nightmares
I was left alone without a doubt
Do I make a difference
For even just a little bit?

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Awake at night here I lie
And I can't help but wonder why
How I ended up in this situation
And how I lost my intuition

Things got mixed up in a moment
Won't matter whether I'm here or absent
Words undoable has been said
My enthusiasm winded up dead

Because that's what you're good at
Making promises you never could've kept
Leaving me to my own misery
And pretending that I wasn't worthy

Go ahead, deny
I don't care
And I won't ask why
Because I know you too damn well
With a hypocrite I dwell
No more words left to tell


I've been here, I've been there
Been to almost everywhere
And I can't find my place
I don't belong anywhere


Distractions they do not allow
Can never forget it then and now
Not allowed to even mask the pain
Can not run away to self sustain

It's there no matter where I am
To follow me anywhere like spam
There is nowhere left to hide
All my attempts have been denied

My agony is to its full extent
It has become my regular torment
Living with it is now a part of me
Destroying my being is life's spree

Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm forced to walk this path alone till it's the end
That's the one rule of my life's law I can not bend
Nothing will change along the way, I can not pretend
Even though it was the one single thing I wish I had

Dreams and reality don't overlap sometimes..

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I wrote this one for you today
Enjoy this day in any way
Because this is your big day
Let nothing stand in your way

Happy Birthday!
For my dear Replica.

Monday, November 17, 2008


You're always keeping me hanging on
Playing with me as if I'm a toy
You destroy me, then expect me to go on
Leave me trapped in my personal decoy

I'm not mad at you
I should know better
But I never do

Breaking bad news to me indirectly
As if you are too afraid to face me
Just tell me if you don't want me
I'd at least appreciate your honesty

I'm not mad at you
I should know better
But I never do

Monday, November 10, 2008


A paper full of words in front of me
I can't seem to put them together orderly
But my system is still working
I'm one step away from resolving

I keep wandering around like a maniac
Trying to find the inspiration that I lack
Something else is blocking me to a degree
I can't find it while you're staring at me!

What are you looking at?
I may be the blocked kid
But make no mistake
I can kick ass even with it

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Brighting up wherever you go
Bring me up when I'm feeling low
Warming up my left for dead soul
You are the photon girls!
I shall never let you go

Ever so full of brilliance energy
Some may not understand you maybe
But you're the ones that hold the key
You are the photon girls!
Don't let nothing stand in your way
For my December girls. You know who you are. <3

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Why do you have to go before days break?
I love you for god's sake
And I need you here with me
No matter what it would take

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I pushed my luck far enough
Time for me to step back now
I can not handle all this stuff
As even you don't know how

My bluff wasn't a bluff after all
Found my senses in a closet
Between you and me, now there's a wall
And you're gonna have to live with it

I'm letting go now, wave for me
Not for you, not for anybody
For once in my life just for me
Because I'm gonna need my sanity
And I can't afford to lose it
Not for you, especially

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I can see all the colors
But I always go for the grey
Taking down the variety to smaller
To rid of the meaning of the day

I photograph every moment of the sun
But always only when it's going down
To make sure it's dark when I'm done
So I can misplace the sea and drown

I'm a grief artist
I know how it hurts the most
So I adjust my pain to it
Only to take it all out on me

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Move on, go on, carry on
Nothing is happening around
There is no sobbing going on
It's just the wind that you hear
And the sound of sweet rain
Falling on the freshly mowed lawn
There is no one there sitting alone
It is just a random shadow
Caused by the greeting dawn
No, no, it's not tears you see
Nothing is going on here
There is no one there withdrawn
Insignificant for you to follow
It's just the walls full of echo
Reverberating of what's been here
But now that is gone
I know you'd still be indifferent
Even without these warnings
But just in case
Move on, go on, carry on
Nothing for you to see here
I'm not lying really
There truly isn't anything
Anything left of me
So, keep living on

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The sun just slowly went down
Darkness descended all over the town
The stars appeared, saluting
But the one that matters is missing

The sun rises up again in the morning
Revealing everything that's been but unseen
The stars are fading, they say goodbye
But I can't see the one that's ruling my sky

I miss my star
You are not here right now
But I'm always here for you
No matter where you are

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Haven't written down anything in days
Accept everything the way it comes and stays
Don't make an effort to let things out
And when I do, things that come out suck

I'm a dull poet
None of the things I write fit

Had this pencil in my hand for almost an hour
Encouraging myself to stop being so sour
But nothing helps me with my bad poetry
Especially myself can't save me from this misery

I'm a dull poet
That's all there is to it

Monday, September 22, 2008


Don't get my hopes up
Let me fly a bit low
I'm tired of crashing
On the hard ground below

When I get close to a dream
Let the idea sink in
Because anything can happen
I don't want to be disappointed again
It's not a new one, started writing it at the beginning of August but only now managed to finish it. Enjoy.

Two-Laned Road

My life is like a two-laned road from nowhere and to nowhere. The right lane consists of my dreams, it's the place I really belong to. But nothing there truly exists. And despite this, it's the one that takes me forward. The left one is the life I try to sustain, it's made up of things that are real alright, but they only cause my regression and take me away from everything that I stand for. Between those lanes, stands a high wall. I can make it through it, but I'm either on the right, or I'm on the left. I either get lost in a world that I created only of my very own hopes and dreams that I can only reach out to but can never have, or I go back to reality on the left side of the road, where I feel ever so lonely and can only have everything that doesn't mean anything to me. My purpose along the way was always to find a way to unite those lanes into one. One lane that moves only forward and consists of everything that I dreamed of and that everything I can get to have. That wall had to go down, it's been always about taking that wall down. I've been searching for a weak spot on that wall my whole life.. But finally, at the end, I realized something.. There isn't a road with two lanes that has a wall between them to have weak spots on so that I can take it down in real life. There is only time and that has been against us from the very beginning, never stopping to pass by, taking us to the inevitable, whether we like it or not.
It's just me babbling along, thought "Why let it go to waste, I'll just put it up!". I have a weird way of seeing life, I know, you don't have to tell me. :P Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I lost a good poem last night
Because I was too lazy to get up
Now I'll forever wonder what
It was that slipped my mind
And will always remain gone

I woke up curious this morning
Tried to remember what I was thinking
When I was inspired but wasn't writing
I'll never recollect it again I believe
And it will always remain missing
Based on a true story. xD

(Plus.. My 100th poem up here!!!! *happy*)

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Don't let the flame of our love die
That's the only thing keeping us alive
I don't wanna lose what we became
And left only with a dying flame

I thought the verse fit in with the picture, so I thought I post them at the same time. You know, two birds with one stone. ^^ Enjoy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


As no one is there to hear me
Where the wind blows in the face
And the leaves rustle gently
I'm upon my hill of solitude
When nothing goes the way it should

When no one else is there to see me
Where I lay on the sere leaves
And the night comes down quietly
I'm upon my hill of solitude
When I feel I'm misunderstood

Don't you worry about me
I may never come down again
But I'll always feel happy
Upon my hill of solitude

Friday, September 5, 2008


Three days until I die again
To go through the same old pain
To cry with the fall's grey rain
And to be reminded of, once again
That I'm stuck
With the unbreakable chain

Two days until I die again
As my dreams go down the drain
To end up walking on the same lane
And to see that, once again
There really is nothing
From life that I can gain

One day until I die again
To spend another year in vain
Integrating into one single decayed grain
Saying my last amen
Though there really isn't anything
That I actually believe in

I have no days left
Back to square one again

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Had my execution the day I was born
Got blamed for everything that's been torn
Ruined tomorrow while yesterday is yet unknown
Messed up the world while I'm alone
Why am I so guilty to the bone?

Destined to misery before I could speak
Without having strength accused of being weak
Before I opened my eyes things were bleak
Left without an actual road to seek
Why am I so guilty in a way so unique?

I just woke up
Time for my prosecution again


I'm suffocating
Stuck in a pile of words
That can't seem to come out
And dragging me down with them

I can't see ahead
Sight blocked with a question
That I can't find an answer for
Blinding me to where I'm lead

I can't hear a voice
Ears plugged to a melody
That has no known notes
Leaving without a choice..

I'm disabled from life
Please try again later

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It's been too long of a time
Since I've been missing a part of me
I had my soul mate far away
Or rather, taken away from me
Consequencing what today brought
And wondering what tomorrow may
But the sun has come up again
And I have a smile on me
Now that you are back!!
This one is also for Bekki. Missed you so much sweetheart, great to have you back. <3

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm living on yesterday
Hoping to make the bad thoughts go away
Putting the disappointments on delay
Hoping it'll make a difference for me

I'm living on yesterday
Dreaming of another way
To change the direction of things
And put an end to my misery

I'm living on yesterday
It's long gone in the past maybe
But it's what that sustains me
Hoping the things can be the same one day

Yesterday, isn't out of me
On the contrary
It will always haunt me

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Another summer has come to its end
It's about time I stop to pretend
And make a stand
Before the darkness
Becomes my permanent friend

The sun goes down once again
About time I step away from the rain
And understand it's then
When it's time to turn my life around
And see now is the 'when'

Friday, August 15, 2008


Writer's block
It's like a keyless lock
You know the idea's in there
You just can't get it out

Writer's block
The words are there to mock
You can give your all
And still run out of luck

Writer's block
Thoughts are hiding under a rock
You can never know which one
And that's where you go...

Oh fuck..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Marko Saaresto of Poets of the Fall

Phew.. It took me HOURS to draw this. But it was worth it I guess, it turned out to look better than I ever expected possible. I still have a lot to learn about generally drawing things though and this drawing is not that good, I hope Marko doesn't sue me for this, hahaha! xD The original is here. I've never drawn a guy before, so don't be too brutal on the comments.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I am a mistake
And I easily break
But I am not fake
I'm the best friend
You'll ever make
Kinda short and egotistical, I know. But I rate pretty high on my claim. :P And been kinda feeling left out these days.. :/ So, let this be a message!

Take Me Away

Drew this just a few hours ago. It ain't much, hell, I didn't even bother with the details, but what the heck. I call it "Take Me Away", because it kinda represents how I want to get the hell out of here. xD Enjoy.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Left alone inside the night with guilt and fear
Yet I can't even seem to spare a single tear
Everyone feels so distant though they're right here
I'm having one of those days again
Don't come near

So late at night yet I can not sleep
The pain I feel right now is so deep
Life gives me promises it can't keep
I'm having one of those days again
I feel like a creep

I close my eyes and start to dream away
To places I will never find my way
I still have a lot of debt to pay
I'm having one of those days again
I wander astray

Things could be so different right now
I wouldn't be questioning the why and how
But destroying me is pretty much life's vow
I'm having one of those days again
And I'll just say wow...

Friday, July 18, 2008


I had a dream last night
My dreams were coming true
Moving onto pink from blue
Happiness more than I ever knew

I had a dream last night
Everything was in a six-pack
I was on the right track
My real self had come back

I had a dream last night
Things were just alright
I was happy, my future was bright
I had what was my right

Then I woke up...


I got all my wires burnt
Got disconnected from the real world
Forgot everything I've learnt
To make the same mistakes again

I got all my wires burnt
Couldn't understand anything I've heard
To forget just how much it hurt
And live everything all over again

I got all my wires burnt
Now everything feels absurd
Left in the middle without a word
Never to be the same again

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Who are you to tell me who I am?
As even I don't know where I stand
As if I'm taking the ultimate exam
About a subject I don't even understand

Who are you to tell me who I am?
Even as I'm confused as hell
It's like the ultimate race in my life began
And where I must go, I can't even tell

Friday, July 4, 2008


I just broke my life
Now I can't find a way to fix it
No matter what it is that I plan
Somehow I manage to jinx it
This could all be a bad dream though
I don't know, I always mix it
No difference, life sucks either way

Thursday, July 3, 2008


You never intended to let me go
Then why didn't you say so?
Why did you let my hopes go on a flow?

You always knew it wasn't gonna work
Then why did you wait till now?
After I got on the cloud nine

You knew this was gonna happen
Why did you stay quiet anyway?
You wrecked a world today

You saw how joyous I grew
Why didn't you say something at the beginning?
No, wait...! I forgot!
This is your way
And tearing my world apart
It's your thing...
Sorry for not remembering

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I could have been very happy right now
But universe chose to make me miserable
By giving me my share of disappointments too much
Showing me ending up with tears is inevitable

I could have been laughing right now
To that same old joke that gets me every time
But how upsetting news come in in a row
It's funny really, I feel left without a dime

I could have been dreaming right now
But everything going on took my sleep away
I will not force myself to, I've had enough
I don't wanna cry myself to sleep anyway

I could have had a smile on my face right now
Thinking of all the great things that will happen
But they got crashed and burned again, as usual
Once again I've been shown that I can never win

For thinking things can change
I have only myself to blame
The Story of My Life... First the Finland thing, now this... The Sweden trip is off too, people. After looking up all the necessities for getting a visa, I realized that all the expenses that I will have to make, even without the plane ticket, is just too much for us and we can't afford it. It was so stupid of me to think that I can actually do it, go to Sverige. Things are awful, but the thing that hurt me the most is that I managed to disappoint Beccy big time about this. She was looking forward to this as hell, I know. As if it wasn't enough fooling myself, I got her hopes sky high too. It wouldn't be enough no matter how much sorry I got. Dammit. Feels like all I do these days is disappoint everyone. My family, my friends... Especially myself. I mean, what happened? Things were going great... Everything was in order and then... boom. I can only have myself to blame I guess. What was I thinking? It was too good to be true from the beginning. My sadness, my own fault. My own problem to deal with. But still... dammit.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


No matter how hard I'll try to get away
I'll be condemned to tread this ground

No matter how much I want out
I'll be forced to stick around

No matter how much I dream
I'll be still here, singing the same old song

No matter how much I push myself
I will never be able to feel strong

No matter how fast I run
There is no way out, roads are too long

No matter how much I believe
Everything I stand for will keep turning up wrong

No matter how much I don't feel like it
This is where I belong

No matter how much I need it
No one is here to mourn along

It just occurs to me
Things will never change
No matter what


What is it about life?
That claims to give you everything
And leaving you with nothing
Is it just random reality
Or selection of things worthy

What is it about life?
That takes your hopes up sky high
And then leaving you with a sigh
Is it merely personal hate
Or avoidance of things we'll later regret

What is it about life?
First reflects the mirror inside of you
Only to smash it later...
And wound you with its pieces too
Is it a cruel irony?
Or just life maybe...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Penguin Just Got Stabbed

OK, I don't usually draw things this creepy, but hell, I was bored. xD I'm sure what's in the middle of it is a clock, but the rest, well... it's just frenzy. I think what my subconscious was trying to say, is this: Time is flowing by, nothing you can do about that, don't go crazy over it. Lose it as you are living for the moment! Which is one of my mottoes. A strange way to say that, I know, but what the hell. Be easy on the critics. :P

EDIT: I normally called this picture "The Frenetic Clock" but after Ryan's killingly (is that even a real word?) funny and accurate comment on it, I think it should be this one. :D It justifies the ridiculousness of the picture WAY better anyway. xD xD Enjoy.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Advices on Life III

  • Share Your Love: If you truly pursue this purpose, all the others will follow naturally! Love everyone, but start with those closest to you.
  • Give to Others: We are here to serve others, and not live wholly for ourselves. Make a difference in the world.
  • Increase in Light: Our spirits and bodies can literally flow with light. Increase your light bearing capacity by following the truth you know.
  • Learn Wisdom: Read the best books and learn all you can. Pursue wisdom not as an end it itself, but to better serve others with your increased knowledge and talents.
  • Accept Yourself: Flow with who you are. Your birth, parents, and country all have a reason. Accept your purpose and your inclinations. Feel and flow with your emotions.
  • Enjoy the Mystery: Wonder at the beauty of life. Don't try to figure everything out intellectually. Accept the world as a child does.
  • Create Your Reality: In this sphere, you can choose what you do. Be bold and decide what you really want. Move toward your dreams with vision and power!
  • Follow the Spirit: Trust that inner voice that leads and prompts you. As you listen, you will gain greater inspiration in all daily activities.
  • Revel in the Present: Find joy and engagement in every activity. Recognize your point of power in present action! Come to know the illusion of time.
  • Experience Joy: The ultimate purpose of life is happiness, but happiness comes easier when pursued indirectly.
You must be real tired of these things, but what can I say? I love this type of crap. :D Besides, they are covering for me while I'm fighting writer's block, lol. But seriously, these kind of advices can really help people feel better about themselves, they help with me anyway. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Suicidal Decembers

Here, we are the Decembers having a bad day... Thanks to Beccy for the idea and Sil for passing it on to me.

INFO: If you don't know about the December Family Concept yet; keep reading... It all starts with my very favorite music band Poets of the Fall. Me and two of my closest friends, Beccy and Sil (whom I got together with at the band's official forum in the first place), realised that all three of us and the vocalist of the band, Marko Saaresto, were all born in December, different days and different years, but the same month. That's how, by this brilliant idea of Sil's, we became the Decembers. And the answer to your question, is NO, we don't allow anyone else into our family. Sorry, but no.

No More Separate Drawing

I hereby announce that there won't be a "Bad Seed Drawing" anymore, a separate one at least. Because I figured, all my readers stop by here and forget about that place, even I do time to time. *embarrassed laugh* So, I thought I move all my previous drawings and publish the future ones here. But because unfortunately we can't move posts between blogs at Blogger, I decided to republish the previous drawings with their original properties and keep the other blog, for the sake of the feedback I got from you beautiful people. But the blog will be closed for new comments, you can leave new comments on this blog. The future drawings will appear here from now on, also. Thanks for the time!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Things were going on the right track
Then opportunities started to go bad
And left me here only with crashing
What happened to my happy ending?

It's feeling like a cruel joke really
Coming this far just to hear a "maybe"
Left here with my hopes burning
What happened to my happy ending?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Kindler

Here is a lady that can create fire!!! I love fire!! Don't you?
I've had an image of a woman that can set herself on fire in my head for years now, and I finally managed to draw this, we can consider it a just a beta version I guess. No guarantees on a better incoming one though. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


As I've lost track of life's pace
You manage to put a smile on my face
As you play, as you sing
It gives meaning to everything

When the darkness descends on me
You remind me that it's all worthy
As you play, as you sing
It just lights up everything

Sometimes the tears start to flow by
That is when you cheer me up sky high!
As you play, as you sing
It washes away everything

Then there is just one thing
The melody that lives within
The real purpose of being
As you play, as you sing

Thanks for playing and singing
I love you Poets of the Fall
Never stop being...
Do I have to explain? =D

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I don't want to get up in the morning
Because nothing is changing
It's insignifying everything
For once in my life
I want to break this routine

I don't want to see the sun glowing
Feeling things I'm used to feeling
It's just decreasing the meaning
For having to feel safe
I want to break this routine

I don't want to hear the clock ticking
Sleepless, staring at the ceiling
It undoes the tears I'm shedding
Ever to feel happy again
I want to break this routine

Monday, May 26, 2008


After all that's said and done
We still walk beside each other towards the sun
Because no matter what's happened in the history
You're true and that's enough for me

A lot of tears shed in the past
Things were bleak and hope wouldn't last
But we'll overcome these, so don't worry
You're true and that's enough for me

At first things were looking really bad
But on somethings, you can't put a price tag
And you're too important to give up on so easily
You're true and that's enough for me
This one is also for Bekki.

Monday, May 19, 2008


As every one's gone to their dreamland
I'm still here, fighting the sandman
Things don't make much sense at this hour
Though it's the time everything gets so clear and sour
Nothing changes in the way things go on
As I'm about to cry out that I'm done

It's 3 AM, I'm still awake
Someone put me to sleep for God's sake

The flickering lights outside the building
Make believe it's a very simple thing
But as this keeps going on like this
Unknown, the chaos behind the darkness remains
The system is broken in it's core
As I'm about to scream I can't take it anymore

It's 4 AM, I'm still awake
Someone put me to sleep for God's sake

I can start hearing the early woken cars
As I begin to tear up my old scars
What used to be enough
Is not enough anymore
The thought that kept me going
Left me here to drown in my sorrow

It's 5 AM, I'm still awake
Someone put me to sleep for God's sake

As the sun starts to show its glory
I keep counting sheep as if in a story
The birds start cheering, I'll need the ear plugs
Though it's the life itself that's what really bugs
What used to help me sleep at night
It's gone, as I personally welcome the light

It's 6 AM, I'm still awake
Someone put me to sleep for God's sake

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Deny me
By not knowing of my existence
Reject me
By not hearing my sentences
I'm used to it anyway

Hurt me
By not knowing I love you
Undo me
By not responding to one thing that's true
I'm used to it anyway

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I look like I'm trying to escape
But it's a hollow promise to make
All the locked doors I run into
Are just a plot against myself about you

All the unlocked doors I come against
I avoid them too, they go to waste
This can go on til forever
I look like I'm running, but never

Because this is where I belong to
Outside is unfamiliar, dark, cold and blue
I need to be in here to be able to breathe
This is the one place I could never leave


I don't want to pump me full of drugs
I'm already high on life
It fucks up my system enough

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I give up on my life
Nothing I can do
To save it at this point

I see all go away
Nothing to say
But a goodbye that's bid

My past follows me
No matter where I go
Never leaves me
Affecting my future
Save me, save me
I can't live with this burden anymore

I can not make it up to heaven
With the burden of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from defecting my future

I can not make it up to heaven
With the demon of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from destroying my future

My future...
It's gone now

I'm losing my mind
I'm going down
Down, on the ground

I see all go down
As I become undone

My past follows me
No matter where I go
Never leaves me
Affecting my future
Save me, save me
I can't live with myself anymore

I can not make it up to heaven
With the burden of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from defecting my future

I can not make it up to heaven
With the demon of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from destroying my future

I can't live with myself
I can't look at myself in the mirror
I am undone
On the ground

Friday, April 11, 2008


The rivers won't flow no more
Only my tears
I'm not breathing anymore
Only my fears
I stop and face my worst nightmare
Then I'm all ears
Waiting for a sign from my salvation
But there is no absolution
Just disintegration
And regression
To my old wound


I want to live on my own personal planet
Let someone in if I feel like it
This planet won't have any ingrates
And no dream of mine disintegrates
No fear, no worries, no responsibilities
And no pain
Just pure nothing
I'll be happy on my own personal planet
But that's not gonna happen...
Is it...?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


When you are laughing
I'll be pleased with your joy
When you are crying
I'll be there to comfort you
If I ever find you falling
I will do any means
And I will catch you
Because you'd do the same with me
You were there for me
And I'll be too

When you are running
I'll run after to stop you
You get stuck on an old pain
Be there to help you move on
If you get lost in this world
I shall seek you, find you
And put your feet on the ground
Because you'd do the same with me
You were there for me
And I'll be too
This one's for Bekki.

Friday, March 28, 2008


It just never changes
Always with the same things
Once again took the same exit
I just can't abandon this path
No matter how hard I try
Because this is how I get my wings
And suppress the wrath
The absolute truth I can't deny

And I have no alternative
What I get is what you give
So, I'll have to settle with that

It just never changes
Always with the same things
Ended up thinking about your love again
I just can't forget about it
No matter how hard I try
Because it's the blood flowing down the vein
The only candle that is lit
And one thing in the world I can't buy

And I have no alternative
What I get is what you give
So, I'll have to settle with that

It just never changes
Always with the same things
Singing the same old song
Just can't turn off the repeat button
No matter how hard I try
Because it keeps me strong
And closer to my personal heaven
One thing that will never die

And I have no alternative
What I get is what you give
So, I'll have to settle with that

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Farewell life!
I'm setting you free!
Following you around to everywhere
Was just too much for me
I prefer to go my own way now
The darker and sadder one
That will be my new path now
So, farewell!
And see you at the end
Why always go where life takes you?
I'm going my own way from now on! :D

Friday, March 21, 2008


I've been on this path for so long
The enthusiasm I had is long gone
This wake just broke me down
I realise how much weaker I've grown
So today on this road to nowhere
I stop walking

I had so much to believe in in the past
It never occurred to me it wouldn't last
I stood up to everything negative said and done
But now it's not enough, I'm not that strong
So today in this conversation to nowhere
I stop talking

I embraced everything that made me me
The full pack of love, hate, pain and sympathy
But today nothing feels right to me
At least not the way it used to be
So today everything that I'm made up of
I stop believing

By letting the old me go away
I want to accomplish this today
Starting over at everything I failed
And leading them to a better end
Just to ease the pain and convince myself
That I can stop crying

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I have come to a point in this life
That nothing I do or see feels right
Nothing left that I can hold on tight
So easy to go without a fight
But don’t let go of that smile
Me and my being may be hostiles
But I’m too reckless to commit suicide
So I’ll be here for a while

Everything I hear around bugs me
People's believes and their philosophy
I don't care what they believe in really
It's just the way they point them out to me
But don't let go of that smile
I may want to kick their asses real hard
But I'm too reckless to respond
So I'll be here for a while

The attitude I get is just sickening
The hate I feel inside is just amazing
I have already stopped caring
Now it's time to do something daring
But don't let go of that smile
I may hate being here right now
But I'm too reckless to say goodbye
So I'll be here for a while

The salvation comes closer to me
I can feel it as if it's right above me
Where I can leave everything behind
Without even being sorry
But don't let go of that smile
I may be dying to get out of here
But I'm too reckless to reach out
So I'll be here for a while

Don't you worry about me
I'm the one that will be
Standing by your side
Because I'm too reckless to leave
At least for a while

Friday, March 14, 2008


I have so much piled up in me
Eagerly waiting for an enormous blast
To drop the mask I wear for eternity
But I won't say anything

I feel everything is mixed up in a solution
Anger, hurt and all of the disappointments
Want them to know it's not a period of transition
But I won't say anything

What if everything I say will come out wrong?
Rather than opening up who I really am...
I want to take this chance at fixing myself
But I won't say anything

As I kill myself inside very slowly
I want them to think I'm doing alright
To avoid worries and to preserve my invisibility
I won't say anything


I can't believe I've done it again
Rattled the cages at the silliest time
To cave everything in
And blur things that made sense to me
I ask myself "What the hell?"

Like as if it wasn't enough
Burning the candle at both ends
I watched as my dreams too get haunted
Just can't learn these ain't fun stuff
I ask myself "What the hell?"

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Blood Rose

I spent some time changing the picture a bit on PhotoShop. I actually drew it by hand, but it looks way better this way. Hope you like it.


I want to save you
From all of your nightmares
It hurts to see you suffer

I want to save you
Release you from the haunting of your ghosts
Seeing you hurt kills me the most

I know you can't save me
But I need to save you
Saving you will save me

So please let me save you

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I think I've ruined my life
By thinking of you all the time
But then I go ahead and think
How much of a life can it be
If the one you love isn't in it?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I've got nothing this morning
Nothing to do, nothing to say
I just walk in a great silence
Hoping the wind to take me away

The sun has just come up
I feel the chilly breeze on my cheeks
Taking the tears away from me
Knowing no one will understand how it feels

As being the one that's stuck
In the middle now
I'm on a long walk

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I don't want to be
The one that steps aside
Leaves deeds to other hands
To avoid the incoming tide
The one that no one knows about

I don't want to wait
For the chances to come to me
As others flow right past me
Being too scared to reach out
Rather than to seek them out

I want to do things
Without having doubts
And be the one that looks back
And feels nothing
But proud

I don't want to turn out
To be the one that's forgotten
Because I was left out
Of pure fear and timidity
And end up being vain and rotten

I don't ever want to be
And I won't be...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The snow falls down
Covers all over the city
But it can't cover up my pain
The sadness I feel inside me

It is raining outside
Washing away all the dirt
But it doesn't take everything away
It can't undo how I'm hurt

The sun's coming out
Lights everything around
But it can't show my agony
In this darkness, how I drown

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I will not cry
If I can't make it
Because I know that I tried

I will not cry
If I get rejected
Because I'm not the best

I will not cry
If I come back empty-handed
There will be other things in my life

I will not cry
I know I'll brake this vow
If I'm left out in the middle
Please don't leave me behind
Then I can promise
I will not cry

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I'm afraid
Of the hesitations I'm having
What I'll miss if I can't get passed them
Afraid of maybe being sorry forever
If I can't build up enough courage
To do something
But I'm also afraid
Of going ahead and doing
What I wanted to do for a long time
But at the end
Just failing
And regreting ever having wanting
I'm afraid
Of being this weak
Not strong enough for holding on
Bearing a big difference
And not being sure I'll survive
I'm afraid of myself
I'm afraid

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Nothing special
Just here to tell that I'm going
And not coming back
At least until the dawn
When you understand what you lack

Nothing special
Just here to express my hate
And how I loathe
To show what you take
And just how much you've sunk low

Nothing special
Just here to show my broken heart
And how you broke it
Took all the self-esteem I've got
Without even feeling sorry for it

Nothing special
I've always felt these for you
It's sad but you know it's true
This is what you've made of me
My agony
And how I can never stop hating you
Just wanted to tell you these
And nothing special

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I used to believe in perfection
In the ways things are done
Keeping self strong
Alarmed and protected
From everything around
Feeling of never being wrong
Drifting away with life
And taking everything along
Without forgetting anything
Getting rid of negativity
And feeling absolutely happy
Feeling the freedom of being
Not worrying for anything again
But nothing turns out that way
I still believe in perfection
In being perfectly flawed
Making mistakes time to time
Getting excited over things
And just being who you are
Now that's perfection

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Another day faded away
And took my dreams with it
Erased my entire life
And took my future with it

No one can see me slipping away
They are too busy to see it
Then they deserve to lose me
And forever live with it

I think this is the final day
From now on I won't fight it
Give in to all of my fears
And hope to vanish with it


When did I become such a dreamer?
Can't go five minutes in real life

When did I become such a dreamer?
To abandon everything I had by my side

When did I become such a dreamer?
Conservative to everything I see around

Life wasn't fair on me
Took everything though I tried so hard
But I had my dreams to carry me through
When life showed me what it's true colors are

Is that why I became such a dreamer?
That I am now
And forever will be

Saturday, January 19, 2008


The days are too long
And I'm not strong
Not enough to live through
Another day without you
Please give me strength
Power to move on
Because I can't take it
This sadness I'm feeling
It just makes me sick
And leaves me powerless
In a world of darkness
And pure hopelessness
Imagining is not enough
Not anymore
It doesn't carry me through
I just get more sucked in
In a world of blue
I can't breath
I'm choking on being without you
And it kills me to know
That it's something I gotta get used to
Because you'll never be here
And I'll be forever without you
No one will know
That I'm going crazy
All on my own...

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Here came another evening
Spent without you again
I hate myself for breathing
Spending more time on Earth
Without you in my arms
Living without my everything

The sun is almost up
Another night spent without you
I hate myself for waking up
Getting ready for another day
Without you to stand by me
Moving on without my everything

Here is the weekend again
Another week without you left behind
I hate myself for enjoying it
Laughing at the shows I watch
Without you to watch them with me
Getting by without my everything

You are my everything...
And I hate myself for being without you


I will not hate again
Make a big deal of things
The ones that left me behind
Will not think of them again
Consider them a bad dream

I'm not furious anymore
With the ones that hurt me
Broke my heart unquestionably
Won't let them cross my mind
Consider them a bad memory

I will not fight in the future
The ones that stand up against me
Do everything they can to wreck me
I will pass them by like nothing
See them as not a part of me

I will not hate anymore
Because I don't care
Not anymore


I've turned upside down
Sleep during the daylight
And watch the sun go up
I'm a mess without a doubt
But I haven't gone crazy...
I'm just in love

Listen to the clock's ticking
While everyone is sleeping
I just lie here without moving
And daydream during the night
But I haven't lost it...
I'm just in love

I'm waiting for the morning
The sun to shine on my window pane
Think maybe it's you, I'll be hoping
Get out and look for you again
I'm not imagining things...
I'm just in love

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


When you are not there, neither am I
Is that why I've been lost all my life
Because you were never there...?
Every single day I spent waiting
For you to show at my door
Or a knock on my window pane
Which ended sadly but not surprisingly
With tears in my eyes
And without you here with me
I'm sorry, it's my fault really...
I've never deserved you
Nor the right to wish having you here
But I still have the hope
Maybe someday you'll show
And finally I can start living my life too