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Monday, November 17, 2008


You're always keeping me hanging on
Playing with me as if I'm a toy
You destroy me, then expect me to go on
Leave me trapped in my personal decoy

I'm not mad at you
I should know better
But I never do

Breaking bad news to me indirectly
As if you are too afraid to face me
Just tell me if you don't want me
I'd at least appreciate your honesty

I'm not mad at you
I should know better
But I never do


Anonymous said...

Surely has your poetry no connection with reality? You once told me something like that, but... well... so?

Nice poem, hands on the emotions in itself...

And we really should know better, all of us.

Maki said...

Aw Alev, this sounds so real..

Poet In The Jar said...

Hon... I really hope you took in some of what we spoke about yesterday. You know I never mean to do these things. I'm always the one to be confused and don't know. It's not about not wanting to. And the bad news are not as bad news as you take it as. We only need to postpone the date :/

I really hope you're not mad at me anymore. I can't stand it when you are. :/

(Although I loved the poem...)

Alev said...

I know.. I know.. But I was upset I guess. :/ Feeling better now though..

Everything fades.. :P

Ayan said...

"You're always keeping me hanging on
Playing with me as if I'm a toy
You destroy me, then expect me to go on
Leave me trapped in my personal decoy"

WOW!! These lines just caught me...
Really good poem, full of emotions, strong enough to have a good impact on the reader! :)

p.s : i know we dont know each other.. I really liked your works. So coudnt help but drop by. I hope you dont mind! :)

Poet In The Jar said...

I'm sure she won't, Dev. You should know her from the forum right, though? :D

Ps. Al yeah sure, everything fades... makes me cry every time :/ love ya <3

Alev said...

Devil's Pride: Thank you so much! :D Of course I don't mind, it's always great to see new faces around my blog. ;) I'll definitely check out yours also. ^^

Bex: Aww.. Love you too! <33

Amin hosseini nasab said...

(wondering where the poem came from, but then by reading the comments decides not to wonder)

great poem!!

"playing with me as if i'm a toy"

my god!!!!

Alev said...

Nice to hear from you again, Amin! Hope you are doing ok. =)

Thanks. =)