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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


When did I become such a dreamer?
Can't go five minutes in real life

When did I become such a dreamer?
To abandon everything I had by my side

When did I become such a dreamer?
Conservative to everything I see around

Life wasn't fair on me
Took everything though I tried so hard
But I had my dreams to carry me through
When life showed me what it's true colors are

Is that why I became such a dreamer?
That I am now
And forever will be


Ryan said...

I love this poem in the way that it rings true with me. Whenever I'm in class my mind wanders away, to my world, its always different, whether its simply a random thought of imagination or a fleeting idea I need to write down before I lose grasp on its perfection, most of the things I've written go without being put anywhere else but I love every phrase, every thought. I wouldn't have my life any other way.

Poet In The Jar said...

Wow, I just love this one, it's just... me. I always recognize myself in your poetry and this one is no exception. Very, very beautiful. One of your best. =)

Alev said...

Yeah, I'm real good at it. :D Daydreaming during classes. xD xD Yeah me too, wouldnt change a thing. :) Thanks btw. :)

Thanks Becs :D :D So amazing isn't it, we are so similar. :) I always find myself in your poetry too. :)