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Sunday, January 6, 2008


I will not hate again
Make a big deal of things
The ones that left me behind
Will not think of them again
Consider them a bad dream

I'm not furious anymore
With the ones that hurt me
Broke my heart unquestionably
Won't let them cross my mind
Consider them a bad memory

I will not fight in the future
The ones that stand up against me
Do everything they can to wreck me
I will pass them by like nothing
See them as not a part of me

I will not hate anymore
Because I don't care
Not anymore


Poet In The Jar said...

I really, really, really love this one. So full of despair but still so wonderful... so beautiful. You write beautifully as always. This has gotta be one of my top ones of yours =)
LOVE for you hon :D

Alev said...

Gee, you're embarrassing me! :D *blushing* I didn't think it was that good... Thanks so much sweetheart, means the world. :)
LOVE for you too hon, with interest ;)