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Saturday, December 1, 2007


I don't believe
That what I see is the plain truth
This life I live
Is exploiting my youth

I don't believe
That tomorrow will be better
No matter how much I give
The pain becomes greater and greater

I don't believe
That things will change one day
Dark clouds won't ever leave
And haunt me until I waste away

I don't believe
Why can't I believe...?


Ryan said...

dark poem and beautiful for simply how much it expresses the need to believe but the inability, the depression.

Hopefully you can believe. If not I'm here, Becca's here and we'll help u out :)

Alev said...

Thanks Ryan, it means a lot. =)

Poet In The Jar said...

hey sweety :) geez, this poem's just awesome! :P maybe it's like that, that everyone needs to believe, but not everyone can. I chatted with someone once who said the important thing wasn't what you believed in, just the matter that you did believe... and then she said she believed in God and I believed in the future. I dunno how much truth there was in that. Well I dunno why I even brought it up :D :D but talking about believing... it's interesting, and you paint the imagery so well here. I love it =D
Ps. Can't wait to get your package! I bought the most giant envelope today and now I'm filling it up with all sorts of crap, haha :D :D :D you'll get it soon I hope! Ds. LOVE becca

Alev said...

Thanks honey =) Glad you like it! What your friend said is pretty deep btw, it really got to me... Guess maybe that is what helps someone with or without a belief in a God go on.
Can hardly wait to recieve your package! You'll get mine within this week I hope. Hope to see you soon! :*