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Sunday, December 16, 2007


Stop it!
Stop saying it'll be all alright
That what's to come is better than this
That I'll overcome when I fight it
That's just bullshit!
Quote of people seeking a way out
Loaded with the hope of a better life
But I am forever stuck here
With my pain and recycling fear
Eagerly waiting for the end
To get the happiness I thought I deserved but never had
Don't say you understand me as if it's real!
Don't say that you know how I feel!
Encouraging me to a fight I could have never won
Have you ever really loved someone...?


Ryan said...

:) I love it!! Filled with anger and pain, and bottled into poetry! Its obvious that you feel what you write and puut it into writing with a masterful mind.

Alev said...

Thanks, Ryan =D I was pretty angry when I wrote it. Couldn't even sleep over it, I don't know if you noticed but I put it up at 5 in the morning. xD xD I can't believe it, I never swore in poetry before. Guess there is a first for everything, right? ;) Thanks again! :)

Ryan said...

Swearing is going to happen when the time is right but NEVER CENSOR if you do you're destroying the feelings shining through and throwing away the beauty of your anger. Let it all out.

Alev said...

You're totally right... Thanks Ryan, I'll do that. =)

Poet In The Jar said...

And LOVE THIS POEM. It has so much to say. You always write beautifully, Alev =)

Alev said...

Thanks Becs, it means a lot =)
Btw, thanks for your package too... LOVED IT!!!!! :D