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Sunday, December 30, 2007


It's so hot in here
Then why am I so cold?
Everyone's smiling
Then why do I feel so much hate?
Everyone is nice to me
Then why do I feel so much anger?
Is it me that is so opposite?
Or I am the only one?
The one that can see through it?
The coldness behing the heat
The corruption behing the smiles
The jealousy behind the goodness
All is a plotting against everything
Waiting for the right moment to demolish
Everything that was built, all to finish
To shatter dreams
All to satisfy the beast inside
No, they are not fooling me
Can try to do everything to wreck me
But leave only with the gain of a bankruptcy
For the ones that underestimate me...
Why don't you try me...?


Poet In The Jar said...

Also very nice =) The title's almost the best part of it, if you get what I mean ;P

Alev said...

Haha! xD ;P Thanks :)

Ryan said...

I love it, the title fits perfectly with the anger encrusted and threatening poem. The opposing sides (Contradiction is my addiction) are incredible.


Alev said...

Thanks Ryan! :)