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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Tell me again
Tell me about the beautiful world
Where no trouble or sorrow awaits
Everyone is friendly and nice
Without bad intentions in heart
Tell me about the smiling faces
Eyes that look at you with love
Tell me
Tell me about real friendship
No manipulation or scheming involved
A reach of hand only for the sake of good
Tell me about caring
Always being there no matter what
Just to show you really care about
The ones that are there for you
And will be there forever
Tell me about true love
Ones that have half a dream
Because you are not there with them
Tell me
Tell me about being happy
Running around with joy within the soul
Popping out of the bed in the morning
To have another great day
Where sad thoughts are nothing
Tell me about sticking together
Tell me about that
Being there to make another feel better
And not avoiding them
Keeping every promise that is there
Tell me
Because I can't see any


Amin hosseini nasab said...

wow, amazing, really good,your last 3 poems are very good, beautiful :)

Alev said...

Thanks so much Amin! :D How have you been, couldn't hear from you for a while? =)

Poet In The Jar said...

Oooh I love this one too, I think it's one of your best! Flows so naturally like you just came up with it, still it makes so much sense and sounds so good... keep up the good work :D

Alev said...

Awww thanks honey pie! =)

Ryan said...

I'd say it is your best, the way the words dance across the page and still convety an important meaning! GREAT JOB!

Alev said...

Gee, thanks Ryan =) Well, I did write it from the heart... :P