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Sunday, September 16, 2007


I've run out of the energy
The strength of moving on
I was a lot more optimistic than this
But now that old me is gone

With the sunrise everything cleared
Lifes true colors suddenly appeared
At that moment, when the most I needed it
Noone was there, so I became jaded

At that moment, I stopped caring
Ignored the fire that was flaring
But life already took a lot from me
Yeah, I guess it's too late for me...

Oh well...


Poet In The Jar said...

Oh... I totally recognize myself in this one, it's like it's about me. It's awesome :) Dark but beautiful.

Alev said...

Thanks :) Well, considering that we are mostly like eachother :))

Poet In The Jar said...

Yes, you do have a point there :D

Ryan said...

Thats a beautifully dark poem, cant help but be drawn to the flow of the words.

Ryan said...

BTW can I link you on my blog?

Ryan said...

wait a sec... who is this from the forums, I got an idea but I dont wanna seem like an idiot so you tell me please.

Alev said...

Haha! :D I'm Alev :) Of course you can link me on your blog, I'll return the favor :)

Anonymous said...

learned a lot