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Saturday, September 8, 2007


I think of all the painful ends I've planned for you
I want to choke you
Seeing from your eyes that you're wasting away
Your silent struggling will satisfy me
And then you'll be gone
I won't do that
But I would if I wasn't still in love with you

I think of all the painful ends I've planned for you
I want to push you in front of a car
Seeing from your eyes that you are afraid
Your fear will satisfy me
And then, crash!
I won't do that
But I would if I wasn't still in love with you

I think of all the painful ends I've planned for you
I want to slice you
Seeing from your eyes that you are suffering
Your pain will satisfy me
And then blood everywhere
I won't do that
But I would if I wasn't still in love with you

I think of all the painful ends I've planned for you
I want to push you off a cliff
Seeing from your eyes that you know the end is near
Your screams will satisfy me
And then, splat!
I won't do that
But I would if I wasn't still in love with you

Yeah, you see,
That's what you did to me
And you still don't care!
I'd get back at you
Only if I wasn't still in love with you!

But that day will come...

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