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Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm living on yesterday
Hoping to make the bad thoughts go away
Putting the disappointments on delay
Hoping it'll make a difference for me

I'm living on yesterday
Dreaming of another way
To change the direction of things
And put an end to my misery

I'm living on yesterday
It's long gone in the past maybe
But it's what that sustains me
Hoping the things can be the same one day

Yesterday, isn't out of me
On the contrary
It will always haunt me


Ryan said...

I love this one Allie!! its one of my favorites.

I like how the rhyme scheme gradually changes as you go.. and not all at once. Very Clever.

Alev said...

Thanks so much Ryan. :D It came to me in the middle of the night, hate it when that happens. xD

Ryan said...

i do too :P But the best ideas come then b'y :P

Alev said...

True. :P

Poet In The Jar said...

Did someone miss someone here or what?
I love the middle of the night, all the weird stuff comes out then. ;)
But this is far from weird :D
I like it a LOT,
especially the last stanza!

Alev said...

Does missing you count? *rolls eyes* The poem is about me mourning about the Finland thing. xD Damn, I gotta get over it soon. :P Glad you like it hon, thanks. <33

Poet In The Jar said...

Yes that counts above all xD
Awwww hon, let it take the time it needs... you really deserved to go, it of course leaves a brand on you, embrace it and learn from the pain and ache. Your time will come honey I swear! And it will be tons better.
Sometime the universe just has to work for you. <3

Alev said...

Yeah, I hope so, I really do.. :/ Thanks, babe. <33