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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Marko Saaresto of Poets of the Fall

Phew.. It took me HOURS to draw this. But it was worth it I guess, it turned out to look better than I ever expected possible. I still have a lot to learn about generally drawing things though and this drawing is not that good, I hope Marko doesn't sue me for this, hahaha! xD The original is here. I've never drawn a guy before, so don't be too brutal on the comments.


Amin hosseini nasab said...

heh, the drawing doesnt look so much like the photo XD but i could recognise it was marco when i saw it first, drawing faces is really hard, youve done amazing, but you could do better with the rest :p

Alev said...

Hahahaha! Ok, that was brutal. :P Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad. =D Better than the stabbed penguenfrog anyway, ahahaha! xD And you say you've recognized it was him, I must have done sth right, huh? xD It's damn hard to draw you know. :P But I'll try better next time I guess.. xD And btw, it's MarKo. *smartass* xD

Ryan said...

you did REALLY good Allie, the details were great and it was easily distinguishing WHO and WHAT it was. Great Job.

Amin hosseini nasab said...

what it was???

i didnt say its bad! and i said myself drawing is hard, i used to draw......

its marko?? really! omg

Amin hosseini nasab said...

* oh and look at my first comment, can you see the word amazing??????????? :p

Alev said...

Hahaha, wow, comment fest here. :D

THANKS so much Ryan, feels so good to hear that. :)

Ahahaha, yep Amin, it's with a "K". :P I know you said "amazing"!! :D But your first comment sounded so.. critical. xD Anyway, I forgive you.. *rolls eyes* THANKS. :)

Maki said...

Super cool drawing! i really like it because it's very eye-catching. i know how hard it is to draw - i love art and that's the only subject I did well in school years (and history and religion). I love your blog. xoxo, M~

Alev said...

Aww, thanks so much Maki! *blushes*

Poet In The Jar said...

I saw instantly it was Mark but that might be because I'm POTF obsessed *rolls eyes*

Serious hon, this is the best drawing I've seen of yours, you get better by the day! I know how it feels to put hours into one piece. You did beautifully. (And I'm not just saying that.) All I have to object to is his legs. They seem short! Love you hon! <3

Alev said...

Awwww, thanks sweetheart! <3 *hugs, both for the compliments and for missing her like shit because she was gone for like ever and she is back now* xD xD A long status description there. xD

Yeah... It was totally worth it seeing this turn out after spending hours on it. :D Me wants to draw another pic of him! *goes through the shrine to pick a pic* xD I don't think I can allow you to object to the legs though... :P How can you say they seem short, I didn't even complete them! Hahaha! :D

Love you too, babe! <3