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Sunday, March 16, 2008


I have come to a point in this life
That nothing I do or see feels right
Nothing left that I can hold on tight
So easy to go without a fight
But don’t let go of that smile
Me and my being may be hostiles
But I’m too reckless to commit suicide
So I’ll be here for a while

Everything I hear around bugs me
People's believes and their philosophy
I don't care what they believe in really
It's just the way they point them out to me
But don't let go of that smile
I may want to kick their asses real hard
But I'm too reckless to respond
So I'll be here for a while

The attitude I get is just sickening
The hate I feel inside is just amazing
I have already stopped caring
Now it's time to do something daring
But don't let go of that smile
I may hate being here right now
But I'm too reckless to say goodbye
So I'll be here for a while

The salvation comes closer to me
I can feel it as if it's right above me
Where I can leave everything behind
Without even being sorry
But don't let go of that smile
I may be dying to get out of here
But I'm too reckless to reach out
So I'll be here for a while

Don't you worry about me
I'm the one that will be
Standing by your side
Because I'm too reckless to leave
At least for a while


Poet In The Jar said...

OMG. Wow...!


I don't know what else to say! All the time I keep thinking "wow, this must be her best one!" and then you publish one that's even better. I love this one. It's so beautiful and it's written so wonderfully... it flows so nicely and still it's so dark.

I can't even express it properly.. I'm just in love. <3

Ryan said...


Alev said...

Haha! Wow! Didn't think you guys would like it that much! :D Thanks SO much! :D I gotta write more midnight poems. xD xD

Amin hosseini nasab said...

so angry, i realy like this one

Alev said...

Glad you do! Thanks. :)