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Friday, March 28, 2008


It just never changes
Always with the same things
Once again took the same exit
I just can't abandon this path
No matter how hard I try
Because this is how I get my wings
And suppress the wrath
The absolute truth I can't deny

And I have no alternative
What I get is what you give
So, I'll have to settle with that

It just never changes
Always with the same things
Ended up thinking about your love again
I just can't forget about it
No matter how hard I try
Because it's the blood flowing down the vein
The only candle that is lit
And one thing in the world I can't buy

And I have no alternative
What I get is what you give
So, I'll have to settle with that

It just never changes
Always with the same things
Singing the same old song
Just can't turn off the repeat button
No matter how hard I try
Because it keeps me strong
And closer to my personal heaven
One thing that will never die

And I have no alternative
What I get is what you give
So, I'll have to settle with that


Poet In The Jar said...

"Just can't turn off the repeat button"... that's just poetry-fucking-gold. This is one of my favs! Just like pretty much everything you write, but it can't be said too often :D Love this piece!! <3 (L)

Alev said...

Awww, thanks sweetheart!! <3 :**

Ryan said...

I so damn amazing!!! I love this, too bad I was too lazy to read it earlier... :P. The length intimidated me at first but upon reading it I knew it was not a line longer or shorter than it was supposed to be, great job Alev!

Alev said...

Haha! xD Yeah, I've been writing long pieces these days... :P Thanks! :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

wow, " i end up thinking about your love again" amazing

Anonymous said...

Story of my life... :D :D Thanks! :)