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Sunday, March 9, 2008


I don't want to be
The one that steps aside
Leaves deeds to other hands
To avoid the incoming tide
The one that no one knows about

I don't want to wait
For the chances to come to me
As others flow right past me
Being too scared to reach out
Rather than to seek them out

I want to do things
Without having doubts
And be the one that looks back
And feels nothing
But proud

I don't want to turn out
To be the one that's forgotten
Because I was left out
Of pure fear and timidity
And end up being vain and rotten

I don't ever want to be
And I won't be...


Ryan said...

thats an awesome poem, a perfect statement of truth!!

Ryan said...

By the way the site looks awesome!! Best colors ever!!

Alev said...

Thanks so much Ryan! Guess the writer's block is gone. :D And about the layout; yeah well I thought it was time to change the site a little bit, because I know you guys haven't said anything about it but the site looked like crap. xD :D Thanks for that too! Glad you like it.

Amin hosseini nasab said...

it did not look like crap!!!! mine looked like yours x) but it looks great alev, oh and awsom poem

Alev said...

Thanks Amin!! :D Feels good to write again after a while; and to see the site in a different but better way. :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

so does my blog look like crap :) ???

Alev said...

I didn't say that! :o Looks pretty good to me. :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

thanks, but you did (not directly) my blog looks like rhe way your old one looked like, and you said your old one looked like crap soooo, :) :) X)

Alev said...

Haha! xD xD They may look alike, but they are not the same. :)

Poet In The Jar said...

haha guuuyyys :D stay at peace! :D
I think the new version looks smashing, that header really reminds me of a lot of video games I've played :D Although still unique. Really goodlooking =)

Alev said...

Thanks! :D