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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Another day faded away
And took my dreams with it
Erased my entire life
And took my future with it

No one can see me slipping away
They are too busy to see it
Then they deserve to lose me
And forever live with it

I think this is the final day
From now on I won't fight it
Give in to all of my fears
And hope to vanish with it


Ryan said...

WOW this poem is the embodiment of beautified pessimism, and I love it.

I think like this quite a lot and sometimes it starts to smother me, I cant think straight, the only thoughts that seem to be ringing true are that your fading, falling by the wayside and nobody cares, even when its FAR from the truth as it usually is.

Poet In The Jar said...

Awww sweetheart, even those who are the most surrounded by friends may at times feel lonely. I hope you don't feel this way, cause I won't let you :D Although that poem really is something. Very beautiful, Alev.

Alev said...

Thanks you guys. :D

Beccy, I know you won't, I won't either. :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

so so hopeless :( why

Alev said...

Been feeling down then so... :) But I'm better now. :D