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Monday, November 10, 2008


A paper full of words in front of me
I can't seem to put them together orderly
But my system is still working
I'm one step away from resolving

I keep wandering around like a maniac
Trying to find the inspiration that I lack
Something else is blocking me to a degree
I can't find it while you're staring at me!

What are you looking at?
I may be the blocked kid
But make no mistake
I can kick ass even with it


Anonymous said...

You know I suck at writing comments, and therefore I rarely write any, but hey, you just deserve it. :P

This one is very nicely-written, so as most of your others - or should I say all - and I have an overconfident belief that I get the meaning... but maybe it's not the same meaning you wanted to tell... no problem. My fault. :D

Nice job!

Poet In The Jar said...

Nice one. I feel like this like... all the time ;D Good job :D

Alev said...

Ok, now it's your turn to spoil me? ;D Interprete it the way you want, words have different meanings for every single person, you know. ;)

Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

I'm not spoiling you, I'm just being honest. :D You're the one spoiling me with liking even my worst poems... :P

Yes, I have my own interpretation, and that's just fine. ;)

Alev said...

So, you're calling me a liar?? xD No, seriously, has it ever occurred to you that I might be being honest also? :P

Anonymous said...

Well, usually sweet lies beat the bitter truth. :P

And hell yeah, I was thinking maybe some of my poems are not bad... hmm... who knows. :D You know what? I believe you. :P

Alev said...

That's the spirit! If not me, believe in your poetry, dude. 8)

Anonymous said...

You're right, although I believe you, too. :P But to get some attention to my poems, that would need an Island built up finally... ;)

Ayan said...

"But make no mistake
I can kick ass even with it "

Sure You can!!

great poem, btw :) Perhaps all of us feel this way!!

Alev said...

Hahah. :D Thanks again. ^^