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Thursday, August 28, 2008


Had my execution the day I was born
Got blamed for everything that's been torn
Ruined tomorrow while yesterday is yet unknown
Messed up the world while I'm alone
Why am I so guilty to the bone?

Destined to misery before I could speak
Without having strength accused of being weak
Before I opened my eyes things were bleak
Left without an actual road to seek
Why am I so guilty in a way so unique?

I just woke up
Time for my prosecution again


I'm suffocating
Stuck in a pile of words
That can't seem to come out
And dragging me down with them

I can't see ahead
Sight blocked with a question
That I can't find an answer for
Blinding me to where I'm lead

I can't hear a voice
Ears plugged to a melody
That has no known notes
Leaving without a choice..

I'm disabled from life
Please try again later

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It's been too long of a time
Since I've been missing a part of me
I had my soul mate far away
Or rather, taken away from me
Consequencing what today brought
And wondering what tomorrow may
But the sun has come up again
And I have a smile on me
Now that you are back!!
This one is also for Bekki. Missed you so much sweetheart, great to have you back. <3

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I'm living on yesterday
Hoping to make the bad thoughts go away
Putting the disappointments on delay
Hoping it'll make a difference for me

I'm living on yesterday
Dreaming of another way
To change the direction of things
And put an end to my misery

I'm living on yesterday
It's long gone in the past maybe
But it's what that sustains me
Hoping the things can be the same one day

Yesterday, isn't out of me
On the contrary
It will always haunt me

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Another summer has come to its end
It's about time I stop to pretend
And make a stand
Before the darkness
Becomes my permanent friend

The sun goes down once again
About time I step away from the rain
And understand it's then
When it's time to turn my life around
And see now is the 'when'

Friday, August 15, 2008


Writer's block
It's like a keyless lock
You know the idea's in there
You just can't get it out

Writer's block
The words are there to mock
You can give your all
And still run out of luck

Writer's block
Thoughts are hiding under a rock
You can never know which one
And that's where you go...

Oh fuck..

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Marko Saaresto of Poets of the Fall

Phew.. It took me HOURS to draw this. But it was worth it I guess, it turned out to look better than I ever expected possible. I still have a lot to learn about generally drawing things though and this drawing is not that good, I hope Marko doesn't sue me for this, hahaha! xD The original is here. I've never drawn a guy before, so don't be too brutal on the comments.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I am a mistake
And I easily break
But I am not fake
I'm the best friend
You'll ever make
Kinda short and egotistical, I know. But I rate pretty high on my claim. :P And been kinda feeling left out these days.. :/ So, let this be a message!

Take Me Away

Drew this just a few hours ago. It ain't much, hell, I didn't even bother with the details, but what the heck. I call it "Take Me Away", because it kinda represents how I want to get the hell out of here. xD Enjoy.