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Friday, July 18, 2008


I had a dream last night
My dreams were coming true
Moving onto pink from blue
Happiness more than I ever knew

I had a dream last night
Everything was in a six-pack
I was on the right track
My real self had come back

I had a dream last night
Things were just alright
I was happy, my future was bright
I had what was my right

Then I woke up...


Ryan said...

"Then I woke up... "

What a kickass line! Made the whole poem resonate with a dying hope... thats how i feel about life right now, like i was always dreaming and i woke up after some words i can never give back.

But in truth i'll probly be thankful for those words eventually... "These are the gifts of terror..."

Amin hosseini nasab said...

oh the many times ive been there :(

superb poem, the line "then i woke up" was a must it exists in every poem like this and it should, just saying its not so kickass! but the poem is more than kickass.

now this is an amazing line:
"Moving onto pink from blue"

Alev said...

Then I woke up..

This was the only line I had to begin with writing the poem, so I guess I owe the kickassness to that. xD

And about the pink-blue line, I thought it would be nice to use those to since they indicate happiness-sadness. Guess it turned out ok. :P

THANK YOU guys! :)

Poet In The Jar said...

"Kickassness" hahaha! :D

Oh and wait, also the "six-pack" ? hahahaha! you have to stop talking to me, I get you a bad influence.

I like this poem, has to do with dying hope and dreams, it's just what I'm thinking of most these days! <3

Alev said...

Hahaha, ohh honey.. :D Thanks!

Maki said...

I had a dream just like this one last week, then like you said, I woke up... I hate when that happens. As you already know, my life is going through ups and downs right now and dream somehow lifts my spirit up only to know it just a dream. Great writing again, Alev!!!! Talk soon! xx, M~

Alev said...

Yeah.. Dreams are awesome, but I hate the waiting up part. xD Thanks, see you! :)