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Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I used to believe in perfection
In the ways things are done
Keeping self strong
Alarmed and protected
From everything around
Feeling of never being wrong
Drifting away with life
And taking everything along
Without forgetting anything
Getting rid of negativity
And feeling absolutely happy
Feeling the freedom of being
Not worrying for anything again
But nothing turns out that way
I still believe in perfection
In being perfectly flawed
Making mistakes time to time
Getting excited over things
And just being who you are
Now that's perfection

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Another day faded away
And took my dreams with it
Erased my entire life
And took my future with it

No one can see me slipping away
They are too busy to see it
Then they deserve to lose me
And forever live with it

I think this is the final day
From now on I won't fight it
Give in to all of my fears
And hope to vanish with it


When did I become such a dreamer?
Can't go five minutes in real life

When did I become such a dreamer?
To abandon everything I had by my side

When did I become such a dreamer?
Conservative to everything I see around

Life wasn't fair on me
Took everything though I tried so hard
But I had my dreams to carry me through
When life showed me what it's true colors are

Is that why I became such a dreamer?
That I am now
And forever will be

Saturday, January 19, 2008


The days are too long
And I'm not strong
Not enough to live through
Another day without you
Please give me strength
Power to move on
Because I can't take it
This sadness I'm feeling
It just makes me sick
And leaves me powerless
In a world of darkness
And pure hopelessness
Imagining is not enough
Not anymore
It doesn't carry me through
I just get more sucked in
In a world of blue
I can't breath
I'm choking on being without you
And it kills me to know
That it's something I gotta get used to
Because you'll never be here
And I'll be forever without you
No one will know
That I'm going crazy
All on my own...

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Here came another evening
Spent without you again
I hate myself for breathing
Spending more time on Earth
Without you in my arms
Living without my everything

The sun is almost up
Another night spent without you
I hate myself for waking up
Getting ready for another day
Without you to stand by me
Moving on without my everything

Here is the weekend again
Another week without you left behind
I hate myself for enjoying it
Laughing at the shows I watch
Without you to watch them with me
Getting by without my everything

You are my everything...
And I hate myself for being without you


I will not hate again
Make a big deal of things
The ones that left me behind
Will not think of them again
Consider them a bad dream

I'm not furious anymore
With the ones that hurt me
Broke my heart unquestionably
Won't let them cross my mind
Consider them a bad memory

I will not fight in the future
The ones that stand up against me
Do everything they can to wreck me
I will pass them by like nothing
See them as not a part of me

I will not hate anymore
Because I don't care
Not anymore


I've turned upside down
Sleep during the daylight
And watch the sun go up
I'm a mess without a doubt
But I haven't gone crazy...
I'm just in love

Listen to the clock's ticking
While everyone is sleeping
I just lie here without moving
And daydream during the night
But I haven't lost it...
I'm just in love

I'm waiting for the morning
The sun to shine on my window pane
Think maybe it's you, I'll be hoping
Get out and look for you again
I'm not imagining things...
I'm just in love

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


When you are not there, neither am I
Is that why I've been lost all my life
Because you were never there...?
Every single day I spent waiting
For you to show at my door
Or a knock on my window pane
Which ended sadly but not surprisingly
With tears in my eyes
And without you here with me
I'm sorry, it's my fault really...
I've never deserved you
Nor the right to wish having you here
But I still have the hope
Maybe someday you'll show
And finally I can start living my life too