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Friday, May 15, 2009


I'm deep inside the night with a smile on my face
My soul goes on a flight, getting out of my place
Floating with the clouds, shining with the stars
Leaving the crowd behind, breaking out the bars

My journey continues as the dawn breaks
The city underneath slowly awakes
But I'm already awake, having a daydream
I dream of a soul that doesn't fit the scheme

Time is passing by, but not my joy
Because my dreamworld is all mine to enjoy
Whatever I need is whenever there for me
Whomever I want is wherever here with me

In my dreamworld, the whole world is mine
Especially the one that makes it all divine
The one who gives me power to cross the line
More than any word could ever define
Wrote this together with my good friend Stefan. Turned out rather optimistic, but not surprised about the mood really; he has been there for me so much lately and no words can show how much I appreciate it. Sending my thanks from here. =)


Lone Poet said...

Aww, you don't ever need to thank me, I owe you so much more. ;)

Nice poem, by the way. :D

Alev said...

No, you don't. :P

It iiiis. :D

Lone Poet said...

I do. How do you say it? Deny it or die? :DDD

Alev said...

Deny it and die. :D

And you are denying... You're not suicidal, right? O.o

Lone Poet said...

:D You'll be the first I tell when I am. And probably the last, too. :P

Alev said...

Will be the last for sure if you tell me such a thing. :P

Lone Poet said...

That's what I said as well. :P

Poet In The Jar said...

"In my dreamworld, the whole world is mine"

Love this idea. Glad you guys can be there for eachother. I feel like I have been far from enough in a long time now. :/

Miss you Al. It's great to see you writing here again. Not all of us are on deviant ;)

Alev said...

Thanks! This is the only thing I contributed to in the last one and a half months though. xD Anyway, better than nothing I guess. :D

And yeah, I know, I really missed you. :/

Amin hosseini nasab said...

very nice poem :)

i wish i could go to that dream world and pretend...

"But I'm already awake, having a daydream"

"Time is passing by, but not my joy"

amazing :D

Lone Poet said...

Thanks here, too. :D

Alev said...

Thanks from me, too! :D