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Sunday, April 5, 2009


It's gotten all too obvious by now
What things will come and how
And I gave up trying long ago
I can't break the pattern anyway
So I let myself go in the flow
Get up-survive-sleep-prepare for tomorrow
But this isn't living...
I'm dead on the inside
The pulse is there but not the heart
I'm completely lost in the tide

It's always the same thing day after day
Walking on the same roads, this and that way
And I couldn't take it anymore
Trying only got my hopes up
I could never get what I fought for
Now doing what I should've done before
But there is no joy in this
Everything feels meaningless
The breath is there, but I'm not alive
I'm here, but far away nevertheless

Life is out there, I'm not
I gotta change this


Poet In The Jar said...

Yes, you do. We do. I have given up on things so many times, like right now, I just don't see the point in fighting any more? But then again what makes life meaningful? Anything but letting it sweep you away, anything but letting it take you over. Cause then life wins. And life is too short not to fight, too short not to those things we dream of. We should go for it. We should try.

I love you. <3

And this piece is actually very high on my list of your pieces o_O
It appeals to me, there's hopelessness and hope in it same time :)

Alev said...

Wrote this about a week ago, was feeling pretty down because of sth, can't remember what now. Then the other day, I took a look at it, changed a few things, and added the last two lines. :D Brought some hope into it. ^^

I know... I try as hard as I can to hold on, but there are always weak moments that help me write this stuff, and depress the hell out of you. xD You're right, we gotta go for what we dream of, and that's what we'll do. ^^

I love you, too... And thanks. <3

Amin hosseini nasab said...

you know guys, there are sometimes so many problems so many thing that grab on to us, letting go is the only way, i know we should fight i know we should keep on, but sometimes just sometimes letting go is everything to hope for....

another amazing poem alev!

"The pulse is there but not the heart"

"It's always the same thing day after day
Walking on the same roads, this and that way"

i love those lines ;D

Lone Poet said...

I miss the flutes, miss the violins and the sound of the piano... and I miss love... no matter how obvious it gets, we have no chance, no resistance against ourselves. Of course, we can make changes. Slowly, we can rebuild ourselves. But that gets to a philosophical problem. You change one element of an object to another one. Is it the same object? Like changing the tires of your car, it's still the same car. What if you change every part of it? Is it still the same? The question is, can we pay the price of losing ourselves to turn to something better? And are we able to do the change?

Alev said...

World works in a funny and weird way, really. It's like, if sth holds onto us, more follows, it just doesn't stop at one thing. And after a while, it gets so hard to fight and you just need to take a break. You fall down, and you kind of wait it out. The important thing is to be able to get up after that, I suppose. And it's kind of up to the person.

You can do the change if you are strong enough. Because it's all about time and your patience. Things may start with tires, but more can follow with time, one day comes and you see the whole car is changed. It's about taking baby steps, it's up to you whether you can handle the pace of things or not.

Thanks, guys. ^^

Amin hosseini nasab said...

"I miss the flutes, miss the violins and the sound of the piano... and I miss love..."

that is the most beautiful sentence ive read in my life... my god

the question is do we wanna let go

Lone Poet said...

Amin, I was just out of my mind for a moment, but thanks. :D

Well, one things is for sure: we change anyway. If we fight, then things change for the better. If we do not, they change for the worse. But tomorrow is never the same as yesterday.