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Sunday, April 5, 2009


You call me 'sweetie'
But only if you need me
Other than that, you wouldn't even see
Where or how I would be

Yet I still don't say 'no'
And try to give you more
I don't even know
Why I do it anymore

I'm a fool of my own habits
Getting only bits and pieces
This is what hope made of me
Hoping things will change maybe

But they never do


Poet In The Jar said...

The first two lines are my sweethearts. Really fell in love with them.

You change your layout more than I do :D Nice one you got now, loove the header. :*

Alev said...

I know, I got pretty sick of the previous layout. I think it looks better now though. ^^

Thanks. <3

Amin hosseini nasab said...

the header is scary!

"this is what hope made of me"


Lone Poet said...

Oh, things change, but we change, too...

Alev said...

Hahah, it's supposed to be. >:D


Things change, but this doesn't. :P

Lone Poet said...

Truly there are things that don't change. Socrates said there are everlasting values. I believe him. And I believe you, too. :P

Ryan said...

i Love the first Verse, allows the rest to flow perfectly beyond it :)