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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I write stories, always aim for a good finish
Doesn't matter how, can be anything I wish
I'm writing a story about me now
Changing everything
But I will never be able to finish it
Because I don't know if I'll ever get a happy ending

All my hopes and dreams in front of me
In a pile, they may come true, or not maybe
Living a half written story
And what it'll ever be
Because no one can tell me, knowing
If I'll ever get my happy ending

Probably not though
But I'll keep believing


Neeyla said...

We write our story as we go on. Happy endings, just like in the stories about fictional characters, are all subject to whether we want them or not, to how we want the story to finish. ;)

Alev said...

You are right. But if you already know how you want it to finish, then you have no choice but to wait and see I suppose. :D Thanks. :*

Lone Poet said...

I believe the one who writes your story, and all our stories, will make sure everyone gets a deserved ending, in your case, a happy one. ;)

Nice poem, btw. :D

Alev said...

I sure hope so. :D

Thanks. =)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

i'm with jamrik.

and alev you sure DO deserve a happy one :)

(lets keep in mind that in all stories the hero is on the downside at first, its in the ending that happiness comes...)

Lone Poet said...

Well, you know, in the end, everthing is all right. If something isn't, it's not the end. ;)

Alev said...

But the happiness usually follows downside in fairy tales and life's no fairy tale. :P Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Thanks, guys. ^^

Lone Poet said...

Life is not a fairytale, it's a sitcom... :P

Amin hosseini nasab said...

life is madness!

life is what you make it ;)

Alev said...

Hahah, also true. ^^

Poet In The Jar said...

That's very deep... deep a thought. And of course appealing because it's about story writing :) I think the symbolism of this one is really appealing :) I like it.

Some stories never finish, they have open endings, but are the most beautiful... ;)

Alev said...

Also true! Cool, I never thought writing sth like this would give me so many different point of views. Awesome. :D

Thanks <3