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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I was born in the wrong universe
Where everything just gets worse
Struggling in a place I don't belong
As if upon me there is a curse

Doesn't matter where I am or who
It's never enough the good I do
I'm sitting alone in this corner
Crying I'll never have what's true

Push me through the closest black hole
There I might be able to feel warm
Away from everything that I hate
And maybe find what I long for

Or maybe just die trying
I don't care really
Anything is better than this


Lone Poet said...

Make the world like you want it to be! Don't surrender to it. Show it you're better. Let the powers in your spirit flow through you! You shouldn't let the stream take you, you're much more than that.

Someone who gave so much strength to me can't be weak. ;)

Alev said...

I know, I know.. Was having one of those weak moments again.. Thanks though. =)

Well.. we have this expression in Turkish, it literally translates as "The tailor can't sew up his own cloth's rip." So.. Yeah, I'm no good for myself, I guess.. xD

Lone Poet said...

Well, I'll try to make you feel good then... I owe you a lot anyway... :D

Alev said...

You don't really.. But it's nice that you think that way. =)

Lone Poet said...

I'm not debating on that... :P

Poet In The Jar said...

Last three lines made the poem... we all have our ups and downs. Hope your down won't last any longer than until your next thought of August ;)

Hang in there. It's not much of advice but... just hang in there. There will be a dawn over every dark day, in the end.

Love you. And beautiful job on the poem. You write so painfully beautiful :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

aaaw alev youre going alevish again! :D

jamriks advice is the best.

and another great one :)

Lone Poet said...

"aaaw alev youre going alevish again! :D"

Hahah, you got a point there! :P

Alev said...

Well, I AM Alev. If I won't be Alevish, who-ish am I going be? :P

Lone Poet said...

Well, Aminish, for example... :D

Or me-ish. :D

Alev said...

But I'm not Amin or you to be Aminish or you-ish. :D