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Saturday, January 3, 2009


Everyone's life is a fucking fairytale
And I'm here where I'm always doomed to fail
All my attemps get lost without leaving any trail
Don't think there is need for any further detail

Note to self:
Remind me to kill you later

More and more pressure I feel as time goes by
Sometimes I suffocate, feels like I'm gonna die
But life would never settle for a tie
It must always win, so I live to cry

Note to self:
Remind me to kill you later

Then it'll be all better


Poet In The Jar said...

:o This is one groovy poem :o

*marks as favorite*

"Note to self:
Remind me to kill you later"

That's just awesome... better not be about me though cause it did get me bit scared! :S

Alev said...

Ahahahaha, no, no, it has nothing to do with you..! xD You got it all wrong. :D

Note to "self".. Remind me to kill "you".. I'm talking to myself here.

Lone Poet said...

Don't leave yourself notes like this... :P

Great poem otherwise, but I feel uncomfortable when you're in a bad mood... can't help that, sorry. :)

Alev said...

Or you'll do what? :P

Don't be sorry, it means a lot that you feel that way, because it means you care.. :) Thanks. ^^

Lone Poet said...

Just you wait, and you'll see what I'll do... :P

And nothing to thank here, that's what are friends for. ;)

Alev said...

I'm waiting.. :P


Ayan said...

i cant believe i havent been following your blog... :o its got so many new posts that i havent read yet!

this one was really scary!! the very idea of "Note to self" is so amazing and interesting!!

""Note to self:
Remind me to kill you later""

amazing!! Really creative.!! I love it! :)

Alev said...

I've been kind of writing more than usual I guess. :D Thank you so much! :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...


Alev said...

Not funny. xD

Lone Poet said...

Amin had fun, so what else matters? :D

Alev said...

Fine, laugh at my pain. xD

Lone Poet said...

I didn't! :D

Alev said...

Good. :P

Lone Poet said...

Unquestionably. :P

Amin hosseini nasab said...

but its so funny!!!! =I (innocent)

Lone Poet said...

How is it funny? :O

Alev said...

Settle down, people. ;P

Lone Poet said...

We already did, you just didn't notice... :P

Amin hosseini nasab said...

alev :P

come on

"note to self:
remind me to kill you later

then it'll be all better"

that just cracks me up, the last line!!!

Amin hosseini nasab said...

btw the reason im replying so late is because the internet connection has gone nuts here these days! it wont connect to blogspot

Alev said...

It was supposed to be depressing, not a laughing stock, I gotta write more poems so it won't show on the main page anymore.. xD *gets to work*

And don't worry about it. ;)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

hahahaha you better get started, the it'll be all better is still killing me!!!

Alev said...

Hahaha, you are cruel, you know that? xD

Amin hosseini nasab said...

hahahaha i try to be :P

Alev said...

Figures. :P

Lone Poet said...

What's going on here, people? :P

Alev said...

If I only knew. :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

hey dont ask me!

Lone Poet said...

Then whom should we ask?

Alev said...

No one, just drop it. xD

*comment spamming*

Lone Poet said...

Drop what?

Alev said...

The subject. :P

Lone Poet said...

Eh... now you said "Get the hell outta here guys", right? :P

Alev said...

Is it that hard to understand that? :P

35 comments is more than enough.. xD

Lone Poet said...

Ooookay... I'm leaving. :P

You all know where to find me. :P

Alev said...

Hahaha, we sure do. ;)

Poet In The Jar said...

37 comments, I thought it was a joke xD

But apparently someone thought it was? ahahahhaha xD xD

Alev said...

YAH, and it was going to continue if I didn't put an end to it. xD

Lone Poet said...

*remains silent*

Amin hosseini nasab said...

posts a comment to annoy alev :P