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Thursday, January 1, 2009


It's all about the order of notes
High and low pitched words and quotes
Anyone can put them together alright
But you're the ones that do it right
And that makes my day a whole lot bright

It's all about the wave of tunes
Fluctuating melodies granted by muse
Uniting them to one is easy really
But you're the ones that do it accurately
And that makes me an awful lot happy

It's all about you and what you mean to me
You'll have a special place in my heart for eternity
A poem I wrote for this. I wanna thank my sweet Replica for this, because if she didn't push me into writing it, I probably could never do it. <3


Maki said...

First poetry that I read this year:)

Happy New Year, Girlfriend!

Alev said...


Happy New Year to you, too !!

Poet In The Jar said...

It's great <3 I really hope you know that I love it, I never meant to say otherwise (I was reminded of your other piece, remember? :D )! You put in words what the rest of us feel and you do it delicately. Wonderful! If the guys don't like it I don't know what I'll do. Murder someone ;)

God I'm so nervous !!

Neeyla said...

...and then we all sat impatiently in front of the screen, refreshing the Inbox page and hoping for that one e-mail!

You're welcome to make me push you any time. :P *hugs*

Alev said...

I know. ^^ Ahahah, I'm nervous as hell, too! Refreshing the inbox is like a normal routine for me from now on! :D

Love you guys! <333

Amin hosseini nasab said...

one of your best! the rhyming and choice of words are beyond pro.

Alev said...

Thanks! :D