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Monday, December 29, 2008


What would be different if I disappeared?
Would my absence ever have appeared?
Who would have called out my name
Hoping that I would respond to it?
Would I be missed
For even just a little bit?

No hand is there to reach out for me
No matter how much I cry out for help
As all my dreams turned to nightmares
I was left alone without a doubt
Do I make a difference
For even just a little bit?


Lone Poet said...

Oh, you make... a lot. Trust me. ;)

Alev said...

Hope so.. Thanks. ^^

Maki said...

Alev, thanks so much for thinking of me while I was gone.. I truly appreciate it. I had such a busy week last week, I couldn't even take a breather!!!!

I'm back though - Oh I like the layout. I didn't like the blue part, but now I see black all aroud it and I love it:)

Alev said...

Don't worry about it. ;) Well, you have been missed, glad to have you back! :D Hope you had nice holidays!!

Thanks. :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

a lot of difference will be made! why the hell do you think like that? i'll certainly miss you, and i bet there's a whole other bunch.

Alev said...

Thanks, it's good to hear that. ^^

Poet In The Jar said...

I would notice :/ Wow, this hits like a brick. How the hell did I not comment on this before? Really awesomely depressing xD

Alev said...

Yeah, well, one more poem of my depressed moments. xD Can't say I feel differently from that now though..