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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I pushed my luck far enough
Time for me to step back now
I can not handle all this stuff
As even you don't know how

My bluff wasn't a bluff after all
Found my senses in a closet
Between you and me, now there's a wall
And you're gonna have to live with it

I'm letting go now, wave for me
Not for you, not for anybody
For once in my life just for me
Because I'm gonna need my sanity
And I can't afford to lose it
Not for you, especially


Poet In The Jar said...

"not for you, especially"... wow.. think this is like... the best you ever wrote! <333 i knew it was brilliant when i secretly found it in your hiding... i love it... you write brilliantly, its melancholy though... just so good. :) me loves! thumbs up <3

Alev said...

Awww. :D You know the best are meant to be hiden. *rolls eyes* Ahah, no way, I don't think this is that good at all.. But I'm glad you like it. ^^ Tack, älskling. <3

Poet In The Jar said...

Ahaha, I can't explain why, just ... really took it to heart. :)