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Thursday, October 2, 2008


Haven't written down anything in days
Accept everything the way it comes and stays
Don't make an effort to let things out
And when I do, things that come out suck

I'm a dull poet
None of the things I write fit

Had this pencil in my hand for almost an hour
Encouraging myself to stop being so sour
But nothing helps me with my bad poetry
Especially myself can't save me from this misery

I'm a dull poet
That's all there is to it


Maki said...

And I say you're not!!!

We all have moments where get stuck with ideas or relationships...

You're a great poet..

Alev said...

Awww, thanks so much. ^^

Poet In The Jar said...

I so know this feeling :/ And I so love the poem... "I'm a dull poet"... I love it, the idea of writing but not leaving an impression on the world... it's a hopeless feeling but the poet sticks at it... beautiful! <3 Although yes, you're one of few poets I never grow tired of, you always place such emotion in your pieces and they come out just so true and special and just... brilliant! So even though I like this idea... don't count yourself in with the bad poets. I know loads of those and you're not in the category. ;D

Ryan said...


Everything i've read i've liked, this is no exception. We all have that feeling taht our work isn't good enough, that it wont leave an impression, taht we're weak in our own words.. But we're not.. we're just so pessimistic and thats what makes our poetry good.

Amin hosseini nasab said...

ha ha ha ha!! what the hell are you talking about girl?

Alev said...

Ahahahahaaha, that's what everyone keeps telling me. xD