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Monday, September 22, 2008

Two-Laned Road

My life is like a two-laned road from nowhere and to nowhere. The right lane consists of my dreams, it's the place I really belong to. But nothing there truly exists. And despite this, it's the one that takes me forward. The left one is the life I try to sustain, it's made up of things that are real alright, but they only cause my regression and take me away from everything that I stand for. Between those lanes, stands a high wall. I can make it through it, but I'm either on the right, or I'm on the left. I either get lost in a world that I created only of my very own hopes and dreams that I can only reach out to but can never have, or I go back to reality on the left side of the road, where I feel ever so lonely and can only have everything that doesn't mean anything to me. My purpose along the way was always to find a way to unite those lanes into one. One lane that moves only forward and consists of everything that I dreamed of and that everything I can get to have. That wall had to go down, it's been always about taking that wall down. I've been searching for a weak spot on that wall my whole life.. But finally, at the end, I realized something.. There isn't a road with two lanes that has a wall between them to have weak spots on so that I can take it down in real life. There is only time and that has been against us from the very beginning, never stopping to pass by, taking us to the inevitable, whether we like it or not.
It's just me babbling along, thought "Why let it go to waste, I'll just put it up!". I have a weird way of seeing life, I know, you don't have to tell me. :P Enjoy.


Ryan said...

Its not weird, its a poetic way of seeing things. A way filled with metaphors and ideals. Gotta love reading that stuff Allie.

Poet In The Jar said...

Yes, a weird creature tending to become spontaneously depressed out of nowhere, just like me :D wasn't it sth like that? hehe ;D

Seriously I think this description is really REALLY beautiful... :o I love seeing something this personal from you and even more so to have something so true, something so meaningful, i know JUST the thing, it's like what I struggle for ALWAYS :o and here you encase it in words, dress it in letters, a feeling of life I thought impossible to define, impossible to live.

I can only agree and tell that I do so of my whole heart and more... like I told you I bet a million times, to me life is subjective, time is subjective, we only know what we can feel, dream, hope for, long for... everything else, in the end, won't matter. and just maybe in the end of the line you'll find that the right lane was there for you in order to pull it through the left lane. and guess what?

the combination is the fast lane :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

OOOK.. that sounded like a university lecture you know those phsycological ones we have to study, and now that youve proved this wrong ( 2 seporate roads ) we go after another theory, like there are 2 roads above eachother and we float between them and... (let me stop before i start going into noneasense, if i havent already XP)

but intresting alev.....

Alev said...

Hahahahahaha! :D

Thanks you guys. <33