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Friday, September 5, 2008


Three days until I die again
To go through the same old pain
To cry with the fall's grey rain
And to be reminded of, once again
That I'm stuck
With the unbreakable chain

Two days until I die again
As my dreams go down the drain
To end up walking on the same lane
And to see that, once again
There really is nothing
From life that I can gain

One day until I die again
To spend another year in vain
Integrating into one single decayed grain
Saying my last amen
Though there really isn't anything
That I actually believe in

I have no days left
Back to square one again


Poet In The Jar said...

Ohhh hon I know you really don't wanna go back to school :/ I still have to keep believing there's another way... but you judge best of course... just dont want you to feel like this :( it's like youre putting yourself through misery here on purpose :| I'm just worried bout you, you know. Still the poem is fucking brilliant, love how you use "three days" and then "two days" and so on, recurring... the first row though is best, probably beats more opening lines than I could mention. "three days til I die again"... wow. Brilliant.
take care of yourself now... <3

Maki said...

this is how i feel today -- it's like a roller coaster. i may be pms-ing, but i feel so down right now... i feel happy and the next thing i know i'm down again :( great post once again!! ~M

Alev said...

Yeah, you're right, I know honey. <3 But I can't really see the solution in running away, I'll only end up with nothing to show.. Besides, I don't think I have the guts to do it anyway. :/ Well, you know what our guy says, maybe tomorrow is a better day. :) Thanks so much hon, means so much that you care. LOVE youuu!! <33 Thanks for the compliments on the poem too.

Maki, I hope you are feeling better now! Thanks for commenting. :)

Poet In The Jar said...

I always listen that song when I feel like this. and it always helps. <3 in fact it was the last song i heard before going in to the interview this morning and that went well^^ :D

Alev said...

That's great, honey. ^^ I don't feel that bad about school anymore, I think I'm starting to get used to it again after my first week there. Besides, I'm sure this semester will fly by, since I have sth to look forward to this spring. <3

Amin hosseini nasab said...

aaawww my dear alev =(

hope youre feeling better, becuase it was posted a long time ago.

i'm liking the way youve started the rhythm, no just on this but on youre other poems too, rhythm is a must, keep up the good work. and poems such as these show the skill of the rhymer (if there is such a word :D )

Alev said...

Hahaha, there is such a word now that you've made it up. ;D Yeah, I'm feeling better now, a lot better than when I wrote the poem. Thanks. =)