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Sunday, September 7, 2008


As no one is there to hear me
Where the wind blows in the face
And the leaves rustle gently
I'm upon my hill of solitude
When nothing goes the way it should

When no one else is there to see me
Where I lay on the sere leaves
And the night comes down quietly
I'm upon my hill of solitude
When I feel I'm misunderstood

Don't you worry about me
I may never come down again
But I'll always feel happy
Upon my hill of solitude


Poet In The Jar said...

:o :o :o :o

Wow the best thing I read for some time... do you realize what you created here? wow I am so blown away by it... "my hill of solitude", it really sounds as though the title of the deepest most perfect album there would ever be <333

Sorry I wasnt around when you needed me that night... you know I was.. uhh unfocused xD

Haha you know what I mean, little star. Love you <3

Alev said...

Wow, girl, you are making me blush.. :DD Thanks so much. *hugs* :* It came to me the other night.

Hahahaha! xD I know, don't worry about that. Love you too, little star <3

Maki said...

It's always nice to read your poem. I think we all have our own hills of solitude where we all feel safe. Great poem!

Alev said...

Yeah, because we all need it sometimes.. Thanks. :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

omg best poem ever!!! "the wind blowing in the face" that is top top top top and i mean top class, it gets the reader in to the feeling straight away, because everyone knows the feeling...

the last verse actually shows a bit of you personality alev, you dont want anyone worrying about you, you wanna hurt inside, well thats what ive got from knowing you anw XD

one of your very best the so called allie ;D

Alev said...

*blushes big time* Hahahaha, thanks so much, Amin!! :D *hugs*