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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I lost a good poem last night
Because I was too lazy to get up
Now I'll forever wonder what
It was that slipped my mind
And will always remain gone

I woke up curious this morning
Tried to remember what I was thinking
When I was inspired but wasn't writing
I'll never recollect it again I believe
And it will always remain missing
Based on a true story. xD

(Plus.. My 100th poem up here!!!! *happy*)


Anonymous said...

i know that feeling. since i lost some great ideas, i always have a sheet of paper and a pen next to my bed to draw the ideas i have on there, so i dont forget them :)

Poet In The Jar said...

Congrats!! 100 poems is AMAZING, what better way to have as nr 100 than a piece like this ;) i know exactly the feeling!

ohh royalnightmare, nice to see you around here! =)

Alev said...

Thanks for commenting guys. :D

Ryan said...

I HATE that feeling.. i also LOVE this poem :P Also Grats on your 100th :)

Alev said...

Thanks! :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

haha congrats!!!!

like youre poem, because i'm lazy to get up in the middle of night too XD and these so good pieces slip the mind. damn them bastards :D

and so much to read, i think i havent been here a month...

Alev said...

Heeeey..! Yeah, you've been gone forever, I missed your poetry. :D

I lost a lot of good poems that way, damn my laziness.. :P

Thanks! :D

Chels said...

I really like this :) It mostly happens to me when I get an idea for a story in the middle of the night :/
Congrats on your 100th poem! :D