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Monday, September 22, 2008


Don't get my hopes up
Let me fly a bit low
I'm tired of crashing
On the hard ground below

When I get close to a dream
Let the idea sink in
Because anything can happen
I don't want to be disappointed again
It's not a new one, started writing it at the beginning of August but only now managed to finish it. Enjoy.


Maki said...

I get this all the time; expect too much and being dropped from the sky. I've always loved your poems - wonderful post again! :)

Alev said...

Thank you. ^^

Ryan said...

I LOVE this one Allie. Its wonderfully written, magnificent metaphors. Along with a powerful, interesting message. Great work as always.

Poet In The Jar said...

I can only agree, I like it a lot :) I know the exact feeling, you have such a way with doing that, you make it so clear. Keep it up :) Nice work hon <3

Alev said...

Thanks so much, you guys. <3

Amin hosseini nasab said...

"let me fly a bit low" : beautiful
the first is very good

Alev said...
