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Thursday, July 3, 2008


You never intended to let me go
Then why didn't you say so?
Why did you let my hopes go on a flow?

You always knew it wasn't gonna work
Then why did you wait till now?
After I got on the cloud nine

You knew this was gonna happen
Why did you stay quiet anyway?
You wrecked a world today

You saw how joyous I grew
Why didn't you say something at the beginning?
No, wait...! I forgot!
This is your way
And tearing my world apart
It's your thing...
Sorry for not remembering


Poet In The Jar said...

Terrific. You brought tears to my eyes with this one... I knew you really wanted for this to happen. So did I! But we'll get there one day, I promise you. Meanwhile let's make this kind of depressingly beautiful poetry about it <3

Alev said...


Du är typ bäst. :**

Poet In The Jar said...

Oh my fucking God :O

You're like the language sponge, you just absorb everything I say and then squeeze it out of you when I least expect! xD

Alev said...

Hahaha! xD xD

Tack, poeten i burken. =P

Ryan said...

This is soo beautifully sad, a lump in my throat now :P Thats how you know its powerful, that it causes an emotional effect, wonderful work alev!!!

Alev said...

Awwww, thanks so much! :D

Poet In The Jar said...

poeten i burken!

xD xD

Alev said...

The language sponge again. xD

Amin hosseini nasab said...

good one alev

Alev said...
