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Tuesday, July 1, 2008


No matter how hard I'll try to get away
I'll be condemned to tread this ground

No matter how much I want out
I'll be forced to stick around

No matter how much I dream
I'll be still here, singing the same old song

No matter how much I push myself
I will never be able to feel strong

No matter how fast I run
There is no way out, roads are too long

No matter how much I believe
Everything I stand for will keep turning up wrong

No matter how much I don't feel like it
This is where I belong

No matter how much I need it
No one is here to mourn along

It just occurs to me
Things will never change
No matter what


Ryan said...

This is beautiful, but its real sad. Alev, there is always a way if you're stubborn enough. I was born with the patience of a thumbtack and the anger of a deranged squirrel... in this I know the words I preach... no matter how much you believe your stuck you really just gotta take off your shoes and keep going.

(you probably know this I'm just being wise so keep reading)

You'll be leaving something behind, but you can live better without protection than without dreams.

Amin hosseini nasab said...

ageering with ryan, there's always a way alev, if you push yourself, but great piece!

Ryan said...

No doubt its amazing, especially because I assume your writers block has broken through :D

Alev said...

Gee, thanks so much you guys. :) *hugs* I know, there is always a way out... But I really didn't feel that when I wrote this poem I guess. We all have our moments, right? :) Thanks again!

Alev said...

Hahaha! Talk about timing! :D Yeah, I'm hoping it means the writer's block is over. :) I just wanna write, write and write! :D I'm incomplete without it. :P

Poet In The Jar said...

I feel the exact same way right now, thanks for putting it in words! Extraordinary piece!

And agree with what the others are saying as well, but I know it's never easy... :)