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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Suicidal Decembers

Here, we are the Decembers having a bad day... Thanks to Beccy for the idea and Sil for passing it on to me.

INFO: If you don't know about the December Family Concept yet; keep reading... It all starts with my very favorite music band Poets of the Fall. Me and two of my closest friends, Beccy and Sil (whom I got together with at the band's official forum in the first place), realised that all three of us and the vocalist of the band, Marko Saaresto, were all born in December, different days and different years, but the same month. That's how, by this brilliant idea of Sil's, we became the Decembers. And the answer to your question, is NO, we don't allow anyone else into our family. Sorry, but no.


Neeyla said...

Me is da black sheep this time! :DD

Alev said...

Ahahaha, yeah. :D I'll be the black sheep on the next one, and Marko on the following one. :P

Ryan said...

thats some wonderful irony you got workin for ya there.... I'm not asking to be added, just wanted to mention that I'm also a winter baby.. January tho :P

Alev said...

Awww! :D :D Don't worry, we can still be the winter people together. ;)

Poet In The Jar said...

Nice! I'm working on something similar like this as well :P Stay tuned ^^

Oh and damn, I thought I was constantly the black sheep... ^^

Alev said...

We take turns, appearently. ^^ Can't wait to see your version. ;)