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Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Kindler

Here is a lady that can create fire!!! I love fire!! Don't you?
I've had an image of a woman that can set herself on fire in my head for years now, and I finally managed to draw this, we can consider it a just a beta version I guess. No guarantees on a better incoming one though. Enjoy.


Ryan said...

Pretty cool Alev.... or should I say hot... I love fire, it is my favorite element.. its just so awesome :P

Alev said...

Thanks. =) I love fire too, hell, even my name means flame. ^^ I tried to make it colorful for it to look cooler (or should I say hotter), but I guess I'm not that much of a photoshop genius. :DDD Oh well... :P

Poet In The Jar said...

The flaming fire! The flaming fire of Alev! The always fiery flame of Alev... well.. you get my point... I love fire ^^