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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Penguin Just Got Stabbed

OK, I don't usually draw things this creepy, but hell, I was bored. xD I'm sure what's in the middle of it is a clock, but the rest, well... it's just frenzy. I think what my subconscious was trying to say, is this: Time is flowing by, nothing you can do about that, don't go crazy over it. Lose it as you are living for the moment! Which is one of my mottoes. A strange way to say that, I know, but what the hell. Be easy on the critics. :P

EDIT: I normally called this picture "The Frenetic Clock" but after Ryan's killingly (is that even a real word?) funny and accurate comment on it, I think it should be this one. :D It justifies the ridiculousness of the picture WAY better anyway. xD xD Enjoy.


Ryan said...

its wonderfully weird..... in that it looks like a penguin just got stabbed... :D

Alev said...

Hahahahahahahahaha, the best comment yet! xD xD That's it, the name of the pic is changing. :D

Ryan said...

thanks Alev, I feel honored :D

Alev said...

You should be, it's the best damn comment I heard in my life. *still laughing like crazy over it*

Amin hosseini nasab said...

it really looks like a frog xD nice

Alev said...

Ahahahahahahaahaha, another great comment! Geez, you guys are killing me! xD xD

Ok, ok, we get it, my art sucks. :P

Ryan said...

your art is great.... but this stabbed Frog-Penguin isn't a shining example :D

Poet In The Jar said...

What are you saying guys! I just love this pic! xD Frog or penguin or whatever, I saw right away it was a clock ^^ And it is a bit creepy! :D

Ryan said...

I know its a clock I was just teasing :P

Alev said...

Ahahaha, well... that's kinda comforting that you see it was a clock... I guess. xD

Amin hosseini nasab said...

i didnt say its not good, i actually like this one more than the others, its great

Alev said...

Really? Wow, thanks! :D Everyone else said it sucked. xD xD

Poet In The Jar said...

No, it didn't suck... it just... it.. well yeah it sucks.


You know I didn't mean that xD :D