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Friday, April 11, 2008


I want to live on my own personal planet
Let someone in if I feel like it
This planet won't have any ingrates
And no dream of mine disintegrates
No fear, no worries, no responsibilities
And no pain
Just pure nothing
I'll be happy on my own personal planet
But that's not gonna happen...
Is it...?


Poet In The Jar said...

You have this special way of using more, intricate words along with the most simple of words, and you create such masterpieces with that method. I love this one, it's great! Don't know what else to say! =)

Alev said...

Why thank you, milady! :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

hmmmmm :S

Anonymous said...

Haha! xD :D Well, I was so upset with the world when I wrote it, I just wanted to go somewhere FAR away. And this came out. :)

Ryan said...

Loved it Alev, loved how it spoke.

Anonymous said...
