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Friday, April 11, 2008


The rivers won't flow no more
Only my tears
I'm not breathing anymore
Only my fears
I stop and face my worst nightmare
Then I'm all ears
Waiting for a sign from my salvation
But there is no absolution
Just disintegration
And regression
To my old wound


Poet In The Jar said...

Woahh... dammit! This is so freaking good! It reminds me a little of POTF lyrics, this is totally that style. Although still your own! Don't know how you do it but it turns out bloody good that's for sure!

Top five ever of your poems hunny! <3

Alev said...

WOW, POTF style... I like the sound of that compliment. :D :D :D Thanks so much hon, you're the best! <3

Amin hosseini nasab said...

wow, i absoloutly love this one, its one of your best, the first 4-5 lines are very very amazing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Glad you like it. :) It hit me in the middle of the night. xD

Ryan said...

I loved it all, the rhyme scheme was beautifully intricate. Standing ovation.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! :D