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Thursday, April 24, 2008


I give up on my life
Nothing I can do
To save it at this point

I see all go away
Nothing to say
But a goodbye that's bid

My past follows me
No matter where I go
Never leaves me
Affecting my future
Save me, save me
I can't live with this burden anymore

I can not make it up to heaven
With the burden of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from defecting my future

I can not make it up to heaven
With the demon of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from destroying my future

My future...
It's gone now

I'm losing my mind
I'm going down
Down, on the ground

I see all go down
As I become undone

My past follows me
No matter where I go
Never leaves me
Affecting my future
Save me, save me
I can't live with myself anymore

I can not make it up to heaven
With the burden of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from defecting my future

I can not make it up to heaven
With the demon of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from destroying my future

I can't live with myself
I can't look at myself in the mirror
I am undone
On the ground


Amin hosseini nasab said...

good poem. ;)

Anonymous said...

It's a song actually (lyrics). But THANKS! :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

uuuuh what are the difference, i mean people reading something will never know! i might write something and it would have a music base but only i could know! i dont know if you get me

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right. I know what you mean. If I had a domain, I'd wish to upload the music but unfortunately I can't do it here and I can't afford my own address, so for now I guess we'll have to settle for this. :(

The difference...? Well, lyrics are usually more boring than poetry, since there are some verses that keep repeating and all. =P Hehe :D

Amin hosseini nasab said...

but then the music makes up for it :) but i do know the difference alev :S it was a question not meant to be answered! i dont know what they call it in eng. i meant in reading them there are no difference, and some lyrics might not have verses repeating (might)?

Anonymous said...

Oh, you mean a rhetorical question... Well, I answered anyway, haha. :D

Yeah, music DEFINITELY makes up for it, but not at Blogspot anyways. :S

Poet In The Jar said...

We've had this discussion on my site as well, and for me the difference is beyond huge. :D But amin has a point, simply reading the text, they might appear similar :p usually though, lyrics have an easier flow and even just reading it, it's easier to find its natural rhythm somehow.

alev, you've made the music for this song then? Why don't you like use a program like Windows Movie Maker which is free, add some still picture as background and then put the music file as audio to it? then you could upload it easily to blogspot via the upload video-function in making new posts.
I've thought of this idea for myself but sadly I'm not very good on the musical bit anyways :D:D

Also I really liked this song, the contrasts between heaven and hell is more than beautiful. Really good work honey! <3

Anonymous said...

Erh, actually... :D :D No, I don't have music for it, the melody is in my head. =D I don't, like, run a studio you know... =P *rolls eyes* xD xD Plus, trust me, you don't wanna hear me sing. (=

But the idea is brilliant, thanks! :D You can do that you know, your voice rocks! <3

Ryan said...

This is an exceptional Set of Lyrics, I especially fell in love with the chorus:

I can not make it up to heaven
With the demon of hell on my shoulder
I can not make my past go away
Or stop it from destroying my future

Especially because you changed it each time

Anonymous said...

Thanks! It came to me very spontaneously. I like found myself singing a melody with those lyrics... I don't usually write songs. =)

Poet In The Jar said...

That's why I was surprised to see the tag "lyrics", my well trained eye notices everything... haha :D

Thanks for the compliment honey! But I'll leave the singing out for people's ear's sake xD

Anonymous said...

Haha! It's a first for me, you are not the only one who's surprised. ^^ :D :D Ahh, c'mon. Your singing rocks and you know it. =) I sure do...

osC++CoDeR: ":)" to you too!

Poet In The Jar said...

Thanks I guess... you'd be one of the few to know :D Although maybe "Fragile" wasn't the best choice for me ;P

Anonymous said...

No, it was perfect. =) You should go for more dynamic songs like, I don't know, Psychosis! Muahaha! *ugly demon guy from the msn emoticons* Haha! :D :D Man, I love that song! <3