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Saturday, February 9, 2008


I will not cry
If I can't make it
Because I know that I tried

I will not cry
If I get rejected
Because I'm not the best

I will not cry
If I come back empty-handed
There will be other things in my life

I will not cry
I know I'll brake this vow
If I'm left out in the middle
Please don't leave me behind
Then I can promise
I will not cry


Ryan said...

WOW! Thats beautiful... I have to say the last few poem have been incredible but this is just... WOW!

Alev said...

Thanks so much! I have been pretty stressed these days, so... :D I've just applied to a student exchange program, it's english exam is this Friday. If I win this thing, I'll get to go to Finland to study for 6 months this September!! :D :D I'm just so excited over it, I can't even sleep at nights, it certainly shows itself on my poetic side. :D :D

Ryan said...


Poet In The Jar said...

Beautiful! Very nice work! =)

I know you're really excited about this exchange student thing, and guess what? So am I! (for one thing, it means that badseed and me might finally be able to meet in person!) I really wish the best for you and hope it all works out. you'll crush the opponents with your excellent English! You really deserve to go! I think it's just amazing that you have this opportunity to go to another country, that's the way to go, try and see the world we live in. I'll definitely hold my thumbs for you!! :D

Alev said...

Thanks so much sweetheart!! :D :D I really hope so too. For now let's keep over hopes up... I'll definitely let you know what happens. God, I really wish I can say "See you there!" at the end. :D :)

Amin hosseini nasab said...

omg great alev, your going to finnland (hopefully) i'll keep my fingurs crossed :)

btw amazing poem

Alev said...

Thanks!! I really want it. :P Still waiting for the results though. :)