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Wednesday, November 7, 2007


In the middle of being me and someone else
I myself don't really care but nevertheless
It's hard to be misunderstood by everyone around me
Though the person I reflect is almost like me
But never entirely who I really am

Behind all of the smiling and joy I show
There is a miserable washed up little girl
I won't show, because I'll get all the pity
Don't want attention of people feeling sorry for me
That's why I hide who I really am

When someone who really gets me comes along
Then I'll let out who I really am


Poet In The Jar said...

Spot-on, you weave your beautifully written words together with a powerful message. It really hits you, and feels like a mirror image of myself. Keep up the good work :D !

Alev said...

Thanks honey! :D Glad you like it! :)

Ryan said...

amen, truth bleeds through the poem. I personally never show myself to anyone without knowing that they're worthy of the information, somebody who'd understand. But It also makes me feel bottled up, a jar of secrets, not within a jar but the jar itself just awaiting to explode because of the immence amount of hidden content.

Poet In The Jar said...

by any chance, am I no longer the only one that's obsessed with jars? =D

Alev said...

Haha! xD Maybe not! :P

Ryan said...

lol your name simply inspired me to write a comparison that'd fit perfectly

Poet In The Jar said...

haha =) well, cool someone else sees the potential of the jar :D :D :D

Ryan said...

there is potential in everything, hell, I found potential in an EGG.

Amin hosseini nasab said...

great poem alev, very emotoinal, one of youe best

and i like jam jars :)

Alev said...

Thanks Amin! =)