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Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Would it matter,
If I told you I loved you...?
And will always be there
Would it change a thing...?
Anyone else but you,
Will be contenting myself with someone,
Would it freak you out,
Push you away from me...?
It's all truth I talk
Nothing can change this
All I ask for in return
Is your love, nothing else
You're my whole world anyway
I don't need anything else
If I would tell you these
Would it bring you closer to me...?
All I need is a glimpse of possibility
It would make me smile again
Because, you are worthed
I'll wait forever if I have to
As long as you may love me too
Would it make a difference...?
Would it...?


Ryan said...

Beautiful poem Alev, your inspiration came back with a vengeance, this is one of your best.

Alev said...

Ohhh, thanks Ryan :))) I wrote this one during listening to "Someone Special" today, I started thinking and this came out of it :P

Amin hosseini nasab said...

great poem alev, i really like it

Alev said...

Thx Amin :)

Poet In The Jar said...

It's beautiful, I saw it on the forums before I came here, I'm supposed to do some cleaning but I rather spend some time on your site. :D I like the recurring "would it", it really relates to me, and I can just picture these emotions... so... who's it about? ;) log on to msn soon! among other things i gotta tell you me new cell number! kissesss :***

Alev said...

Thanks sweety :) We'll talk about that stuff on msn, haha!:D See you later hon! :)