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Monday, October 8, 2007


I realized something today
A fact about you and life
No matter what I'll have
It's gonna make me smile
But fade away the next day
I'll feel happy for a moment
And sad again the next
'Cause they can give me anything
But without you in my arms
I'll never be truly happy

It's indeed hard living with this
But I'll wake up the next day
And keep on living without you
Because I still have the hope
That you'll show at my door
And make me feel alive again
It's only a dream though
Knowing it'll never come true
Makes me feel this fact that
I'll never be truly happy


Amin hosseini nasab said...

you,ve definatly got you inspration back alev, you've done so much since my last visit. and nice poem. :)

Alev said...

Thx Amin :)

Ryan said...


Poet In The Jar said...

this one's real good, alev. it contradicts itself with the image of hope but on the other hand the image of unhappiness, and it's so human and so realistic. Mum always says life aint just black or white, but it can be many shades of grey that are there in between. I think your poem personificates that, and the result is right-on. I love it. :)

Alev said...

Thx everyone! :)