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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I just sit here and look around
As I start to fall apart
And I realize that I'm the one
That no one really cared about

It didn't matter how hard I tried
It was never really enough
This is the moment I step aside
Let everything go and just give up

'Cause my life is like a quicksand
The more I struggle the deeper I sink
I no longer want to feel this bad
I rot inside as I think and think and think...


Ryan said...

the words are almost mystical, they flow beatifully and produce a common melody(feeling) as they pass by.

But i truly hope you dont feel this way, its terrible to think nobody cares about you (believe me I've felt it too).

Alev said...

Thanks, Ryan :) I was feeling pretty down when I wrote this one, it IS horrible to feel this way, I know too, wish I didn't feel like that most of the time. But again, who knows, maybe tomorrow is a better day... :)

Poet In The Jar said...

Yeah, let's hope it is =)
I think this is your best poem ever, alev, couldn't agree more with ryan's words. we're all down at times. sometimes we're down most of the time... anyways. Isn't it strange how the darkest of life often makes us produce the most beautiful pieces of poetry?

Alev said...

I know, it's pretty strange and ironic. Thx sweety :)

Ryan said...

Alev as a metter of fact I feel like this right now, and I dont care to elaborate (at least not now)

Poet In The Jar said...

If you do, raves, we're here for you. I'm feeling down too. But who knows... could be the exams. ha, ha...