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Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Why must the real be the surreal?
My bonds to life, everything I feel
The one that guides me through life
Things that help me sleep at night

Why is it all just an illusion?
Everything I thought I had
The melody stuck in my head
That won't ever come to an end

So, what's the reason of moving on?
If there isn't anything to hold on to
Guess this is where hope kicks in
Hope of everything that might have been

Don't ever let me lose it...


Poet In The Jar said...

I love this poem as a whole but the first two lines are especially mindblowing, honey. =)

Ryan said...

really good

Alev said...

Thanks sweety =)

Alev said...

Thanks Ryan =)

Ryan said...

Damn I forgot to say why, I like how you quoted whats a blessing and how it has never been there. I dare to quote myself and say: "Contradiction, my addiction."

Poet In The Jar said...

that sounds awesome, raves.