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Monday, October 1, 2007

My New School

Hello Visitors!
First of all I want to thank you for visiting my poetry site. As you can see I wasn't really creative these days. So, I thought I could keep you guys busy with some other stuff until I can write something again.
Well, you probably know that I transferred to a new school this year, I want to show you what it looks like... :

This is the place I go to school everyday. The Faculty of Agriculture building of Akdeniz University.

This is my bus-stop, where I get on and off the bus. I wanted to show you this too because well, it's one of the places that I spend my time the most... Since, the buses don't bother to show up very often.

Another pic from the campus. Some kind of a brigde.

Me... Hehe...

Another one in the campus. This trail leads to the restaurants, book-shops and stuff in the campus. Pretty neat, huh...? :)

The Rectorate building. I think it looks cool.

Well, this is it for now. Thanks... Come again!


Ryan said...

Big sheet things on the side of your school which I'm unsure what but otherwise, Its a really cool school.

Alev said...

Yeah, I like it too. But I didnt understand what you mean with "big sheet things", do you mean the flag or the writings?

Ryan said...

they look like banners...

Alev said...

Oh, you mean the last pic (rectorate building)? There're just gigantic flags. Red one is the Turkish flag and the man is our great leader Atatürk.

Ryan said...

cool! Its nice that you guys care about your leader, around here not many people can stand any of the politicians. Those who can are either their family or their colleagues.

Poet In The Jar said...

Hey sweetheart! =) So awesome that you put this up, I been dropping by for ages and it's cool to have something new to read/look at. :) Love these pics of your school-especially the one of the bus stop, cause I know so damn well what it's like to spend loads of your time waiting for the bus... that's where our "in common stuff" comes up again. xD Also nice to see the casual side of you on this site if you get what I mean :D Hope we'll talk to eachother soon!*huggies*
BTW! what do you mean by "great leader"...?

Alev said...

Hey Becs, thx :D I know, I can't write any poems these days, when I force myself to, some crapy stuff come out of it :P Oh hell, I'll wait for inspiration :) Wishing to be able to talk to you soon too, take care! :)
PS: Great leader like, the founder of the Turkish Rebuplic... If you are so curious about him, you can read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustafa_Kemal_Atat%C3%BCrk
See you! ;)